For you, I lie. (PART I)

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Hawks can feel his presence, down the hall, he knows he's there. It's winter, yet the penthouse feels so hot. It has to be because of him. He slowly opens the door that goes into the hallway and peeks out, nothing in sight. He walks against the wall, hoping he didn't come inside, hoping he's just imagining things. He feels like he's back at his childhood home, staying quiet even though he could suffer a chance of being kicked, slapped, or anything else because of it.

Slowly, he creeps down the hall. His breathing stops once he hears heavy boots tap along the floor, walking slowly around the house. Tap, tap, tap, he can hear it get closer and closer as he hides behind a wall. The sound comes to a stop, and he raises his blade. He should've known better. He's one of Japan's most wanted villains, he's a serial murder, a arsonist, a litteral psychopath, yet he's the same man he fell for.

His breathing breaks as he hears his voice. "Prettybird..I know you're here...come on out, I just want to show you something." Dabi's voice sounds insane, he is insane, but his voice just further solidifies that fact. Hawks closes his eyes and takes a large deep breath before swiftly moving aside from the wall to hold a blade to the man's neck. Fearing his possible demise, knowing what Dabi is capable of, but still he stands to show no pain. "Comon, that's no way to say hello to your lover." Dabi says sarcastically as Hawks cringes at the name.

"You need to leave." Hawks says coldly. Dabi lowers and shakes his head, a small giggle coming out of him while he does. "Y' were special to me." He says raising his head, messing with a small flame on his finger. "After all, I didn't trust you from the start, I knew you were never the kind to betray the heroes. Especially my father."

Hawks widens his eyes and lowers his blade a little. "Who?..." "You need a hint Keigo?" Dabi says aggressively, stepping closer to his now fearful ex lover. He lights his hand aflame, and swiftly moves it to catch a hold of the number 2 hero's neck, pining it against the wall, mercilessly burning through his collar, but not his skin. Or at least not yet. Hawks is too frightened to connect the dots, his main priority at the moment is to get out of the penthouse before he goes down with it.

However, being in the villains grasp against the wall, there's little chance of escape being possible. Dabi's eyes and smile widen as he raises the hero by his neck higher against the wall, watching him hopelessly squirm and choke against his strength. "I can't believe I trusted such a coward like you. You heroes don't know shit." His laughs get louder and louder as he tightens his grip on the hero's neck. Hawks can't fight back, the heat, the strength, he can't handle any of it.

So there he floats, high above the ground. He could possibly pass out or even worse, die. He knows the villain wouldn't care for either scenario. He lost his trust, and there's nothing he can do to fix it. With the little energy he has left, he manages to choke out; "Dabi...I never wanted to kill him-"cough.

He tries to explain, but the villain is too crazed to pay attention. He just wants to kill him. He wants him charred until his wings are unable to grow back. He doesn't want any more memory of anything they shared, their kiss, their "dates", he wants all of it gone, along with him, Hawks. His vision gets blurry, as he whimpers a final "Touya.." before limping unconscious. This sends Dabi into a craze.

He dances around maniacally as he rants to the hero's unresponsive body; "Touya is DEAD! What we had is DEAD!-" He looks back at Hawks, passed out on the floor and grins widely; "And what you will be, if I EVER see you again, is DEAD."  ... "I HATE you- Takami Keigo. You are DEAD to me."

He laughs insanely as blood drips down from his face. Dancing around, burning everything Hawks had ever kept of him, his clothing, staples, everything. He won't ever forgive, and he won't ever forget. What he said was a promise. If he ever sees Keigo again, he'll burn him alive ruthlessly. He's not the most wanted for no reason.

He laughs and laughs as he messes with the unconscious hero for a little more. Kicking his body around like a rag doll. Burning it, treating him like some sort of puppet. He laughs as he thinks and does this. "That's all you'll ever be you pathetic bitch. Nothing but a mere puppet in the "heroes" game."

Finally, after what seems like hours of messing with a knocked-out hero, he gets bored and leaves. But, he drops a final reminder. A mere staple with a drop of blood coming from his tears. Finally leaving what they had to rest. Hawks stays unconscious for hours, almost a whole day if someone didn't go check on him from the amount of calls he missed. There are bangs on his door as the no. 5 hero tries to get him to answer.

She peeks inside through the window impatiently,  and fearfully notices Hawks lying down the floor, passed out unconscious. She kicks the door down and everything after that is mere secrets. Secrets only Dabi and Hawks would be able to recall. But no one would ever know. Because how would the whole world react if they found out Hawks was dating a villain and ultimately paid an obvious price? Sure he's lucky he isn't dead, but what would happen if he was?

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