For you, I crack. (PART VI)

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I'll admit, It was very sudden when I heard the news. I didn't think he was the kind of person at all to react like that. It all happened too fast for me to process, yet I still have to act like I don't care. As I sat in the living room with the league, I listened on the TV as the news reporter explained his cause of death - suicide. I showed no difference while I listened, but deep down it did hurt. I wanted to scream, I wanted to punch the wall, I wanted to burn the whole base down.

But I couldn't.

I groan and get up from the couch, the league questions me surprised at the fact I show no emotion. "Weren't you guys together?" Toga asks blankly with a hint of surprise. "Yeah, we we're together. Past tense psycho." "Are you not sad or anything over the fact he's dead?"

Mr. Compress asks - "I could care less. We're not together anymore, he just so happened to die right after. There's no point in crying." Lies. I'm a liar. It hurts.

I hold back anger and tears as I head back to my room. I can't let stupid emotions take over me. Even though they're happy emotions like soft times when me and Keigo would like together and play with each other's hair. When me and Keigo would go fly around the city, and he'd make fun of me for throwing up right after. So many times I spent with Keigo, it all practically floods my memory. I hate it.

I hate myself.

I still can't help but feel utter disgust and hatred at Keigo still. He killed Twice. He killed the one man that was capable of assisting me to achieve my only dream. To take down my dad. Hell, Keigo himself looked up to him. It's pathetic.

Still, there's a part of me that doesn't feel that. There's still a part of me that still loves Keigo. I wish I could just rip this part of me out and not have to feel it anymore. But that's not possible. It feels like this part of me will be stuck with me forever. A part of me that will haunt me until the day I die.

A couple days after Keigos death pass by, and I'm noticeably getting worse. I don't bother to eat anymore. As much as Shiggy nags me about it, I don't bother to work anymore. I go outside every now and then to still continue committing crimes, but I feel nothing. During the closing hours of the huge ass hero cemetery, I break in only to go see his grave. I don't go during operation hours because, well, I'm a villain.

They'd think I'm there for bad of course. But I still stop to observe what is his grave;

"Keigo Takami
B. December 28, xxxx.
D. December 3, xxxx.
A. 22.
"Keigo was a hero adored by many fans, friends, and everyone else. He was a very optimistic person, and overall a great person to get along with. May your soul rest in peace." "

I scoff as I stare at the grave. "Y'all don't know him at all." I say lowly to myself. I put a hand on his grave, the stone is cold. Too cold. It feels as if Keigo himself is cold.

I warm up my hand just a little, and the whole grave is suddenly warm. It feels like he's warm again. Making the same old stupid face he made whenever I warmed up his wings during the winter. I wonder if he's still making that stupid face in death. Maybe he's watching me from above, and I don't even know it. He did have wings, he's most certainly an angel when you compare his good deeds to bad.

Snow starts falling slowly as I say a small prayer and head out. I never knew I'd be this different when it came to Keigo dying. I always thought I wouldn't care if he did. But now that I see it, it's a lie. The city is cold. Yet still bright.

My jacket itself isn't warm enough to keep me warm. During winter, Keigo would usually warm me up with his wings while we walked throughout the city. Pointing out random stuff, shopping for little shiny trinkets that he somehow found amusing, and a lot more. My head pulses as I remember it all. I hate it. Everything I do reminds me of him.

For you, I lie.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя