For you, I write. (PART III)

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Dabi POV.

Dabi wakes up and steps out of his room in the LOV's base. The whole league is in the living room, watching the channels flip and flip as they don't speak to each other. With twice gone, the air is silent. He sits on the couch with Toga who is messing with the remote, flipping through channels, until one catches her eye. A news channel, showcasing a hospital, with Hawks's photo, with the headlines; "No. 2 Hero found dead in Hospital. Cause of death ruled;-"


Dabi leans forward and focuses on the news reporter as she discusses the sudden death of his former lover. "Pro Hero, Hawks, found dead in Namu hospital, after evidence of overdose showcases. There is also a suicide letter written that will showcase momentarily."  After a few minutes, a letter appears on screen. Being read out loud by the news reporter, and possibly being read by all of Japan. Dabi himself reads.

"I know my death is sudden, and a surprise to you all, but I believe it is for the best. I am a horrible human being, I don't deserve the world's pity. I don't deserve your love, and most of all, I don't deserve you. You know who you are reading this, I never deserved you. I never deserved any of you that knew me in your lives. I brought nothing but misfortune to you all.

And I realize, that I am the problem, so I must get rid of the problem. I must get rid of myself, and everything that I ever ruined. I'm sorry to all those who looked up to me, all those I've given hope to. Those I've ever made a difference in their life, positive and negative. I'm not someone you guys should look up to. I know this, and many others know this as well.

I'm sorry I didn't say a better goodbye than this. Like dying from old age or dying super cool in battle, but dying so suddenly. It must be a shock to you all. And I know for a fact its a major shock to one person out there. So the rest of this letter goes out to you. And I don't need your forgiveness, I don't need your pity, just please read it for me:

To you, the one who loved me the most. To the one who carried me in your arms when I cried myself to sleep every night. To the one who was home for me even when my own rich penthouse didn't feel like home. To the one who made many memories with me, even though our worlds collided. To the one who made me see my fault. And to the one who made me see that I was loved.

To you, I write this long letter, I know you were never one for speeches, but this one is for you. I love you with my entire soul. I'm sorry we had to end this way. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye either. You probably wouldn't want to hear my goodbye anyway. But now that you possibly hear it, I hope you can forgive me.

Maybe we'll meet again some day, in another lifetime or another form. And maybe then that's when you can finally forgive me. You don't have to of course, but just know I did truly love you. You showed me love, even through hell and back. For you, I lie."

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