Lone Gunmen Season 1 Episode 3

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Diggle: So how was your evening, sir?

Oliver: You mean after I said I had to go to the bathroom at dinner and never came back?

Diggle: I guess from now on I'll be watching you pee.

Moira: You're grounded for two weeks.

Thea: Grounded? I've never been grounded.

Moira: well, you've never committed larceny before.

Thea: Look, we've had a good thing for the last five years. Why mess that up now?

Moira: No, We're paying off store owners to keep your record clean, so clearly, it hasn't been working.

Thea: And you're going to teach me? It's Oliver isn't it? His judgmental Hypocrisy is rubbing off on you to?

Moira: No, I don't need Oliver to teach me how to parent you. You'll be home by 4.

Thea: Or what? You're going to call the cops on me? Tell them I say Hi.

You're not my Father and you're barely my Brother. -Thea

Deadshot: I admire your work. Guess you won't be extending me any professional courtesy.

Oliver: We're not in the same line of work. Your profession is murder.

Deadshot: You've taken lives.

Oliver: For the good of others. You're out for yourself.

Oliver: You don't think much of me, do you?

Diggle: Actually, sir, I have a very high regard for how... perceptive you are.

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