Home Invasion Season 1 Episode 20

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Felicity: I thought it would be helpful to track A.R.G.U.S' manhunt for Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot. So I decrypted their communication logs. Which means, I just hacked a federal agency. Kind of makes me a cyber-terrorist, which is bad cause I really don't see myself fitting in well at Guantanamo Bay.

Oliver: Don't worry, Felicity. They don't send blonds there.

Felicity:  I dye it, actually. [To Oliver] I keep your secret.

Quentin: You look after them, all right.

Tommy: I spend most nights at your daughters anyway. [beat] There was probably a better time to tell you that.

Quentin: Probably not.

Diggle: I'll kill you for what you did to Andy.

Deadshot: I'd be pulling these triggers right now, except there's nobody paying me. There's space for you right there, right next to your brother. You'd do best to remember that. [hits John]

Yao Fei: [To Oliver] Your time at this island is at and end. 

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