Dodger Season 1 Episode 15

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Oliver: That's not how I typically get my information.

Felicity: How do you typically get it?

Oliver: I find the person, then I put the fear of God into them, until they talk. [Felicity looks surprised] But we can try it your way.

Felicity: Where are we going to get our hands on a rare Spanish antiquity?

Diggle: You really have no idea how rich his family is, Do you?

Oliver: Hey, I need your bike.

Biker: Are you kidding me?

Oliver: No. [Knocks him unconscious]

Felicity: The first time anyone's been grateful for traffic cameras.

Dodger: Why are you doing this? I'm exactly like you; I only steal from the rich.

Oliver: [Shocks Dodger in the chest with Tazer] I'm not Robin Hood.

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