Chapter 6

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"Text me when you're ready for me to pick you up. Take as long as you want." My mom says as I open the car door. We just arrived at the movie theatre, and I wish I could say I was excited. And not just about the movie.

          "Yeah, I will," I reply, grabbing my purse from the back seat. "Bye, mom. Love you!" As my mom drives out of the parking lot, I make my way up to the theatre lobby. When I'm inside, I look around. I see people, people, and Austin. I'm about to head over to help him with the popcorn when I see someone I recognize. Well, more than recognize. It's Gia.

          I wasn't expecting her to still come. I don't know what I was thinking. Obviously she's not going to waste her ticket. Or... tickets. While trying not to seem too obvious, I do catch another person standing next to Gia. Another girl. I... wasn't expecting that, either. I mean, I get it. She asked me out and I have a boyfriend. Technically. It's fine. Totally fine. I'm just going to enjoy my night with Austin, and ignore Gia and her date.

          I make a move for Austin, but I'm too late. "Hey, Zoe!" She shouts, gesturing for me to join her. I don't think she intends to shout. I think she's just a loud person. I reluctantly walk over to Gia and the other girl whose name I have no interest in ever learning. I understand I'm overreacting, but I can't help it.

          "Hi!" I try to sound enthusiastic. "Zoe, this is Emelia. Emelia, this is Zoe." Emelia eagerly leans toward me to shake my hand. I shake back, and it seems she just won't. Let. Go. I tug my hand away from hers. "It's great to meet you!" She exclaims, as though she didn't just try to rip my hand off. "Yeah, you too! So, how do you two know each other?" I'm very nosy, as you can tell. "Emelia and I go way back. We've been friends since, what, kindergarten?" Emelia giggles. It's the most annoying giggle I have ever heard. "Yup! Friends to the end," Lord help me. "How do you know Gia, Zoe?"

          Oh. I actually have no idea how to answer that. I suppose I don't really know Gia, but that doesn't excuse me from answering Emelia's question. "Oh, yeah, we're in the same English class." Gia parts her lips to say something, but she's interrupted by Austin wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Hey, Zo," He directs his attention to Gia and Emelia. "Hi... do I know you?"

          "Austin, this is Gia and Emelia. We go to school with Gia." A smirk appears on his face. "I'm Austin. Zoe's boyfriend. Nice to meet you." He uses the arm wrapped protectively around my shoulders to shake Gia's hand. "Hi. Gia Mavericks. It's good to meet you." When she lets go of Austin's hand, her eyes meet mine. They don't have the same spark they had before Austin came over. "Zo, we should probably get to our seats," Austin says, grabbing my hand. We're just about to turn away when Gia steps in. "You guys are going to see Scream, right?" Shit, Gia. Shit. "Yeah... why?" Austin asks. Please don't say what I think you're going to say, ple- "Well, Emelia and I happen to be going to the same movie," She replies, placing her hand on the small of Emelia's back. Kill me now. "Maybe we'll see you in there."

          "Yeah, sounds fun! Austin, we should really go find our seats," I need to get out of this conversation, or I may actually self-combust. "Oh- yeah, sure," I drag him away from them. "See you guys in there!" He shouts as we head into the theatre.

          "Are you okay, Zo? You seem kind of tense tonight." We've sat down in our front and center seats, and I'm nibbling on the popcorn Austin had promised me. "I'm fine." I honestly don't know if I am. I'm highly overreacting, I know. It's not a big deal. Life isn't some teen drama or anything. By overthinking this, I'm basically reducing myself to the level of the other popular people in the school. Just for tonight, though, I'll let myself be jealous.

          "You wanna talk about it?" He asks as he rests his hand on my leg.

          "I just-"

          "Hey, guys!" Gia walks past us, sitting in the seat right next to me. "Hi," I say gingerly. "I see that you guys... sit next to us." She nods with a smirk. "Yup. Crazy, isn't it?"

          I'm about to respond when the lights begin to dim and the previews start rolling.

          About halfway through the movie, there's a whisper in my ear. Only... it's not Austin. "You okay?" It's Gia. "Yeah, I'm good,"

          "I was just asking because I know you didn't want to see this movie, and you seem uncomfortable, which I get."

           I am scared. As I said before, I don't like horror movies. They scare me half to death, and I just... don't like them.

          "I mean, it's not my kind of movie, but it's fine," Instead of focusing her attention back on the film, she grabs my hand. "Come with me." What is happening? "Hey, guys, we're just going to go to the ladies' room," She announces to Austin and Emelia. We enter the lobby together, her hand still wrapped around mine. I hope Emelia didn't see that.

          "Do you want to go outside?" She asks, gesturing toward the double doors leading outside. "...Okay," She drags me through the doors, and we sit on a bench outside.

          "So... what's the deal with Emelia?" I ask. I'm seriously not trying to pry. Well, maybe a little bit. I'm genuinely curious, though.

          "I know what you're thinking. Listen, Emelia's just a friend. If it makes you feel any better, she has a boyfriend." That does not make me feel better, given I have a boyfriend as well. "I mean, it's not like I would mind if she wasn't just a friend," I mumble. She doesn't respond to that. She just sustains eye contact with me and says, "How's your book?"

          "Oh, um- it's good," I reply. Why- what-

          "Well, you just mentioned that the characters had broken up. I was just wondering if they had gotten back together or not." I did say that, didn't I?

          "Oh. They did, actually. It was... really satisfying." She nods. "Does that mean you finished it?"

          "Yeah, I guess so." I'm surprised she's so engaged in this conversation. "So, what are you reading now?" She asks. "Well, I just started Anna Karenina. I'm only five pages in, though." She's asking me questions about my hobbies, so I should probably return the favour. 

          "How's your photography album going? You said the theme was cityscapes, right?" That half-moon smile makes an appearance again. "Yeah, it's going really well. I just have a few more photos to get in. I'm kind of stuck, though. It feels like I've captured all the city things."

          "Well, you could-"

          "Hey, Zo!" Not again. "What are you two doing? We're only halfway through the movie." I sneak a glance at Gia before turning to Austin. "Yeah... sorry. I just needed some air, and Gia wanted to make sure I was okay." He quirks his eyebrow. "Well, we better get back in there. You don't want to miss any more than you have already."

          Austin takes my hand as we walk back into the theatre, Gia trailing behind us. 

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