Part 21

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In the morning we got up early since we were on the roof we climbed back in and he snuck out and went back to his dorm draco came in after he left. Did he sleep in here? No. Um anyway five is looking for you. Ok I went to go find five. Hello? Y/n I have to tell you something. Ok. I sat down next to him. Well dad.i I'm not going back there. But your mom is there he said she wants to see you. Tell her to come here cuz I'm not going there to be used like I was for eleven years! But listen he said he was over those days he just wants to be a happy family like we were supposed to be. I don't care I have a family here in Hogwarts that loves me unlike him. So tell him I don't accept sorry. With that I got up and left to the great hall to get some food before class today I had a private class for some reason but I learned about amortentia which is the most powerful love potion and it smells different to everyone who smells it reminding each person of the things that they find most attractive.when I got told to smell it, it smelled like the Dior Sauvage, mahogany apple,books fresh cut grass and vanilla which was wired cuz draco doesn't smell like the last I walked out I bumped into Cedric since cho was with him I said it was something important because it was. What did you need y/n/n? I had a private class and I learned about amortentia it smelled like draco but there were three other dents that weren't Draco's. Ok what were they? Books,fresh cut grass and vanilla.

He started to giggle like something was funny. What? You have a crush on your best friend. Who? Me. You? Yeah I always have books with me I like to lay in the grass when it's cut and my cologne smells like vanilla. Ohh wait what? Yeah you do. Well maybe just the size of a ant. Don't worry I do to the size of an ant. but you have cho. but forget her ok bye. MSITOGSHSIKELHEORJROTKTH. HE JUST WALK OFF LIKE THAT!? He left me there blushing like crazy. The days continued and every time I saw him I blushed a little and draco kept distancing away from me on the second task I was under water and Cedric came and saved me but when it ended Cedric explained why I was under water! He helped me get dried up then he showed me the pictures that he promised to show me. And they were all pictures of draco and pansy snogging then he told me some rumor that was made about me I broke out in tears.i ran to my dorm leaving all my stuff there when I got to my dorm I was still crying now rethinking over and over again on whether or not to to believe anything at that point thinking if anything that draco said was true or not when five entered the room. Y/n so I heard what happened are you going to stay here? Why are you asking so I can go with you to Reginald then no I'm not going no where! Then why are you packing your stuff? I'm going with Ely. Who's that? A friend. He left the room and when I finished packing I told McGonagall that I was leaving for awhile and she let me she bought the train ticket and when I got there Ely was happy to see me but was concerned when she saw my mood. Y/n come in I have a room for you but it's not even summer break yet. I know I just need a break from all the drama.

Did Minny let you? Yeah. I unpacked all my stuff and made my way to the kitchen were i sat down. So tell me what drama? Apparently I have a crush on Cedric draco is cheating on me and they started to spread rumors about me all over the school. Oh sounds rough. I know and also I discovered that my "dad" who is my uncle obliviated me so I would forget my past at my old school and told me that my mom was dead and she's actually alive at my old school where they used me and my old friend five wants me to go back there so they can use me and use the excuse my mom is there. Wow I'm speechless but my new boyfriend is coming over so be nice. Ok.when the door opened we both looked over at him. Hi Ely. Hi Enzo. Who is this? This is y/n. Well then hello y/n Ely has told me allot about you.hi. Lorenzo  di Mercurio but just call me Enzo. Then hello Enzo. So how old are you? 14. So I heard that you dated Draco Malfoy. Yeah I used to. Why what happened? Umm he was cheating so I came here for a while but I'm thinking of sending him a letter telling I'm breaking up with him. Oh sorry but how long do you plan to stay? Um until the third task in the tri-wizard tournament. Do you know when that is? No not yet why you ask? Oh nothing. The next day in the afternoon someone knocked on the door. Y/n can you get it I'm busy in the kitchen making lunch! Ok! So I got up to answer the door. What are you doing here? Who is it!? Umm you know Cedric!? The one from 5th year? Yeah. What about him?

Well he's at the door. Tell him to come in. Ok umm come in. Ok. Anyway what are you doing here? I just wanted to see how your doing. I'm doing fine. Who is that! Umm it's one of y/n's friend! Oh ok! He gives off a bad vibe. I know but it's Ely's boyfriend. Hi Cedric are you going to stay for lunch? No I just wanted to check up on my little angel. But aren't you dating cho? Technically no but yes. ... Anyway the third task is at dusk on the 24th of June. Ok thanks ced. Bye beautiful. B-b-bye. oooh someone has a crush. Oh shut up I've been like this for a month now each time I see him. Girl just tell him. But that's not the only thing. What? I also smelled him in the amortentia during my private class. Girl obvious signs tell him already. Your new boy gives off bad vibes like he doesn't want me here. I whispered to Ely. Your just paranoid any way lunch is ready can you go tell Enzo? Sure. Umm Lorenzo lunch is ready Ely wanted me to tell you. Ok just know I hope that the third task comes fast so you can go. Hurry! Coming Darling. The days just continued like that I felt uncomfortable the day before the third task I went to Hogwarts to spend the day with Cedric. Cedric!!! Y/n!!!! I yelled as I ran to Cedric to give him the biggest hug ever. How are beautiful I missed you. Me too. Let's get to Hogwarts I'm starving. Right then and there he kissed me I felt like it was only us and that the world stopped around us.until he picked me up and started running. Cedric diggory let me go right now! Never we have to get you to school now your starving. I can walk! I yelled while laughing.

And?a princess like you shall get the best food there is. Well then put me down that's a order. Yes your majesty.he said as he placed me down on the floor. An hour before the task I went to go talk to Cedric. Cedric can I talk to you if you have a minute? Sure why dont we go talk about it somewhere only we know? Let's go somewhere only we know. We walked to the spot we first met that no one else knows. So what did you want to talk about darling? About yesterday the kiss. What about it? I felt like the world around us stoped and it was only us in the world like I forgot that we were around thousands of people like the world ended and it was only us. Wow I don't know what to say. Sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. No you didn't it's ok I did to I felt the same. You know this could be the end of everything. so why don't we go somewhere only we know. Somewhere only we know? Somewhere only we know.we didn't realize how fast time past that it was already time for the task he went to the tent and I went to the stands when the task ended I saw him there on the floor when I realized I hot up so fast and I ran to him and sat next to him holding him as he died. This could be the end of everything so why don't we go somewhere only we know. Somewhere only we know.i said finishing the sentence crying when they saw me crying was when they realized that he was gone.

His father offered to take me inside to talk. What did he say when he died?I saw both of you talking. This could be the end of everything so why don't we go somewhere only we know. Somewhere only we know. You loved him very much didn't you? Yes he was my everything he called me his beautiful,darling,love, Princess and is everything. And he was mines. I got up and went to my dorm when McGonagall knocked on my door. Come in. Y/n darling I thought hoy wanted to have these they were Cedric's, five and draco want to talk. Let draco come in. Hi y/n. Hello draco what do you want? I just wanted to say sorry for what I've done I was a bitch and didn't know what I wanted please forgive me. Why you know they always told me be careful with who you love and I didn't listen and I loved you that didn't work out. so I loved Cedric I thought he was the one the way he made me feel but he wasn't it either I lost him too. I guess I just need to be careful with who I love I guess if I love my problems they will leave too. Don't say that your scaring me. How you don't care you went with the girl you said to not worry about I guess I shouldn't. You fucked it for your self this is the end of me and you so don't write to my address anymore cause I won't be there for you like I was before I'm saying it now Incase you don't already know don't talk to me anymore go! I'm sorry! No your not now go!

[A/n] Had to add some songs in there.

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