Chapter 2

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"Wake up! Wake up!" I could hear someone shout but I could barely make out the words they were saying.

The fog in my brain overwhelmed my senses. Rubbing at my eyes I groan roiling over on my bed.

"Riona! Get up! Please, they're here!" This time the words were still fuzzy but I could hear them better. It was my little sister Amelia yelling; she was shaking me as hard as her little body could.

She sounded like she was crying, her voice scared and small. Jumping out of bed I looked around to see smoke everywhere. And I mean everywhere. I could barely see anything.

Amelia was coughing grabbing onto the fabric of the bottom of my shirt. Clutching onto me like her life depended on it.

And I'm this case it probably did.

"C'mon stay close to my honey." I said I'm a calm voice or as calm as I could make my voice. Inside I was panicking.

"Where are your brother and sister? And Emma and Gabriel?" I yelled, there was groaning, and I could hear glass breaking.

"I don't know. I couldn't get to them." Amelia said in a small voice. Her voice cracked, and broke as she started to cry.

Fuck. Were they ok? Shaking my head, I had one thing to worry about getting Amelia out of the house and then I'll go find my other siblings and Emma and Gabriel.

Walking fast I put my hand out so as to not bump into any walls. It was working for the most part but the fog was scratching at my eyes and it was getting harder and harder to see than it already was. Until soon all I could see was fog.

Earlier I could make out fuzzy shapes and I could see the furniture if it was a bright color, but now I could see nothing it was as if it was pitch black but it was the colored white.

Where the hell was that fog coming from?

I was so familiar with the layout of the house I could feel it with my hands and not see where I was going.

And that's exactly what I did, I followed the walls, until I got to the front door. A breeze swished through the door. Cracking could be heard, and the wind pushed the door open even farther.

I could sense danger on the outside of the house. But I had to make it out of here.

Coughing I squinted my eyes, and through the darkness I could see bodies slumping around. Some fall to the ground or drag their feet behind them. Their arms in directions they shouldn't be.

Groaning and the ear bleeding screams that were being let out by what, I have no idea. But it didn't seem like anything I wanted to be anywhere close to.

Covering my mouth once more I gripped onto Amelia's hand even harder slowly backing away from the front door.

As the groaning grew louder and the screams closer. Taking another step backwards the floorboard creaked. And then everything went silent. The wind stopped and the groaning was barley there. Until it wasn't.

I knew I was in danger before I could see it.

Amelia let out a scream, her hands gripping onto my hand to the point of pain. Her nails dig into my skin hard enough to break the skin.

She hid behind me screaming even louder.

There in front of us was a person with blood gushing from their nose. Their skin is crusty and peeling. Blood smeared on their clothes.

This wasn't a human it was a monster. And it was running straight for us multiple of the same beings following behind the first zombie.

Well, it looked like a zombie.

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