Chapter 3

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The scratching at the wood of the tree where my tree house was hilt, where the highest branches of green were.

But the feeling of someone watching me was so strong.

My head was groggy, I could barely seem to think of a coherent se race in my mind let alone speak. Swiveling my head to look to the right there I found Amelia sitting there and just staring me down.

A blank expression on her face. Waving a hand in front of her face, she didn't blink, nor flinch like she always did. Whenever she spaced out like this, I could usually get her out of it with a wave of my hand.

Trying again, I waved my hand in front of her face again. She didn't blink nor move an inch.

Suddenly, she reached out grabbing go to my hand and digging her nails in hard enough to draw blood. And sure, enough, as I looked down there were little droplets of blood spilling from my hand and dripping onto the wet soaked moist boards of the tree house.

"Find him. He's the one in the prophecy. And so are you. And save the world. You're the cure. And so is he." Amelia gripped my hand even harder, causing me to cry out in pain.

One of the bites hadn't fully healed yet, it was too deep to heal over one night. Most of the other bites were gone but they left scars from where the zombies' teeth were.

I opened my mouth to respond to her nonsense but before I could all of a sudden, the weight of her hand fell from mine, as her eyes fluttered closed. And she passed out.

I caught her. Looking down at her I wondered what the hell was that about?

What was she talking about? Some cute? And not to mention her telling me and some guy were the cure. For what exactly? I have no idea. But I intend to find out.

But the real question was, is what she said real? I didn't believe it for one second. And what the hell was this prophecy?

Rubbing at my temples to ease the ache I started to feel build I started to stroke Amelie's hair brushing it out of her face.

A soft smile made its way into my face as she let out a sigh of content.

Setting Amelia's head down I scooted away from her only to look down and find ten times the zombies than there were last night. And there had to have been at least seventy zombies last night.

Trying to make any sound, I slowly slid back over to Amelia grabbing her, like a groom would do for his bride.

I had to get out of here. We couldn't stay here forever if we wanted to survive. We hadn't eaten anything in the past two nights.

And I bet Amelia was starving. But she hadn't complained of being hungry not once.

I was starving. But not for human food like fries, burgers, hotdogs. I was hungry for humans. For human flesh. The flesh and bones. The meat of humans.

The blood I could hear pumping through their blood. It made my mouth water. Looking down at my sweet little sister, all I could think about was the blood in her veins. The way her skin looked so delicious.

The way her pulse thumped underneath my hand, only making me thirst for her blood even more.

The smell of her skin was compelling. So, so compelling. I just wanted to take a bite of her juicy skin. The way the blood would flow over my tongue.

I leaned down, opening my mouth a little. My tongue sliding over my teeth.

Letting out a scream I dropped Amelia. Bringing my arm up to my mouth, I opened my mouth and comped onto the skin of my arm.

Blood immediately flowed into my mouth. The thirst for blood was so strong, but as I kept taking the blood from my arm, the compelling urge to take a bite out of Amelia's skin stilled.

The urge was still there but I could get a hold onto it, just enough so I could control it. For now, at least.

My blood acted like a source of human meat for the zombie part of me. Or what I liked to call it the hellish monster part of me.

I was human enough for my blood and skin to taste just like regular human blood. But I could feel the infection starting to take over my body and mind more and more.

I was starting to lose control over it. And I was scared. I knew it wouldn't be long before I became like them. The monsters. The zombies. Monsters who only wanted flesh and human skin.

And the blood flowing through humans' bodies and veins.

Pulling my blood-soaked arm from my arm, I looked down to see that I had taken a chunk out of my skin.

Growling, I ripped a piece of my shirt off tying it around the place where I'd bitten, and made a knot, tightening it with my teeth.

The blood soaked the cloth of my shirt fast. But it was better than bleeding out and getting blood everywhere.

My hands were shaking. My jaw clenched, as my nails dogged into my hand hard enough to draw blood. Reopening the cuts Amelia had made.

But I enjoyed the pain. It reminded me that I was still human. That I could feel pain. It reminded me that I was alive and hadn't turn into one of those monsters yet.

Still shaking I slowly made my way over to Amelia lightheaded, and before I could pick Amelia back up again, I swayed falling back hitting my head in the process on the wooden floor of the tree house.

My eyes slipping close sliding once more into the land of monsters. Ones like me.


Something funny about my dreams were that there was always this man in them. We never talked, just stared at each other or took walks through the wasteland I called a dream.

It was filled with fire, trees with no leaves, lakes filled with lava. Holes in the ground that shot hot blue fire out of them.

It was like hell. At least it felt like hell. It was blistering hot. The souls of my feet too warm to be normal.

The souls of my feet weren't hot to the point they were steaming they were just uncomfortably warm.

I need an ice bath, to cool my whole body down. Shaking my head, I continued to walk down the deserted waste land, until I came across him.

The man who has haunted my dreams for the past three years. I've never seen his face. Only his eyes. He's always dressed in either red or black. In a type of armor meant for a knight.

He has horns, and wings and talons, it's a figment of my imagination. I made him up. Even though we never talk. I knew he could never be real.

Even though I wholeheartedly wanted him to be real. I so wanted him to be real.

Another strange thing about him, even though he was the strangest, most intimidating, and dangerous person I had ever met, was that he had a crown made of bones. It was soaked in blood.

If that wasn't scary enough, he had this aura around him that signaled he was danger. And was meant to keep away from. He was dangerous that I knew, he was also intimidating as fuck.

But I couldn't help but be drawn to him. In some weird way. Personally, I didn't want to get anywhere close to him. But it was like my body called for him.

Like my heart wanted it, but my mind was scaring stranger danger. That I should stay far away from him. He was dark, like he would kill a man for even saying something, normal.

One thing about me was I've always loved the dark, it never scared me. And dangerous things don't scare me, they excite me.

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