Essay: Natural Disaster

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    What are natural Disasters? Natural Disasters are dangerous disasters created by nature. But how can learning about natural disasters make us safer.

    Learning about natural disasters, help us know the consenquences. Like when volcanoes shoot lava and pumice, causing damage to buildings and people. For example, on June 10 1991, the Philipines experienced a volcano eruption, caused by pressure build up.

       The final reasong, Learning about natural disaster helps US be more prepared. Knowing the causes helps us pinpoint where it's going to happen and when. Knowing the effects helps us prepare safety equipments. On December 24, 2004, there was a tsunami in Indonesia. The people living where the tsunami took place, learned the signs and fled.

    Now that you know learning about natural disasters help, will you learn more about them?

(132 words)

Written: Wednesday, 4th of January 2023

Reisha's Book Of WritingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz