Essay: The Inventor's That Took The World By Storm

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       Thomas Edison and Henry Ford created the inventions that took the world by storm. From electric pens to cars, they're inventions took the world to the new era.

         First of all, the Electric Pen. Thomas Edison created it. The electric pen can WRITE by ITSELF!  It could write copies in ONE day, which could've tooken weeks to write by hand. When people got it. Amazing things happened! It wrote copies as fast as lightning! It wrote copies as fast as lightning! Copies were made, nothing like before!

        Also by Thomas Edison, the Phonograph. It can RECORD sound! When people got it they were baffled! They were confused. How could it RECORD SOUND! It was just a machine. It sounded like the ORIGINAL VOICE too! With this they could hear the DEAD. Something that couldn't been done before.

      Next invention! The CAR by Henry Ford. It was his first invention he invented. It took many trials, but he eventually got it right. Now HARDWORKING FAMILIES can travel FARTER and FASTER than before. They could also go more frequently. It was VERY USEFULL to people. They could get ERRANDS done FASTER.

     The last invention mentiomed in this essay is...... The Lightbulb! It was SUCH a GOOD IDEA, it became the SYMBOL for GOOD IDEAS! That's how GREAT it is! We can make LIGHT withought CANDLES. They're even brighter than candles! No more using fire as light anymore. It's very important. Imagine noc light at night, except for the flicker of a candle. That's how it was before the lightbulb. Dark, lonely, and scary.

     That was only a fraction of what they invented. They created way more inventions. TRheyre inventions changed the world. They evolved by time. But these were the original. You use them everyday. So they really did take over the world by storm.

(303 words)

Written: Wednesday, 5th of October 2022

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