Finding a job

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"Y/N!" Your friend yells you wake up tired and feel dizzy like crazy "Y/n are you up?" "Yeah i'm up thanks to you." "No problem always their to wake you up." "Anyways why did you wake me up?" "I found a job that i think you might like." With so much excitement your friend shoves the newspaper in your face making you yank the paper from your face. "Can you be more careful next time when giving me stuff" "Sorry i'll be more careful next time" you look at the news paper and your friend points to the spot and said "That's the place, it's new and has spooky stuff." you look at it for a little and remembered what happened and rumors about Freddy's you look back at your friend and then say "I guess i'll check it out." Your friend squealed out of excitement you rolled your eye's and got ready to call them

------Time Skip cause why not------

After calling them they said they'll interview at ten it was eight thirty five so to past time you play video games with your friend after a couple of hours it was ten you got in your car drove to the attraction, once you got there you
look at the attraction with shock, the place was big but not that big you look and see the entrance you go in and look around to find the owner, you found an office and someone was in there. "Hello?" "Oh! Hi you must be Y/n right?" "Yes that's me." "Okay well um come in so we can start." You sit down and the interview started. "So tell me why did you want this job?" "I thought it looked cool so I wanted to give a shot." "Mhm okay so do you get scared easily?" "Um kinda." "Okay your hired just sign here and your good to go." *"wow it was that easy"* you thought to yourself, you signed the paper but before you could leave he told you something. "And Y/n before you go you can call me Scott, oh and before i forget here is your uniform your nightshift starts tomorrow at 12:00 but i recommend you come at 11:00." You nodded in response to what Scott said and grabbed your uniform and headed home.

he's a intersecting bunny(SpringTrap x reader) discontinued Where stories live. Discover now