The Night Shift

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[A/N if you want to you can skip the phone guy lines just look for this €£ that's where ends]

After leaving you were thinking more about the rumors of Freddy's but the thought quickly stoped because of your friend. "So how was the interview!" "It was good i got the job." "Good to hear um do you wanna play video games?" "Yeah sure- oh and the nightshift starts tomorrow at 12:00 but Scott said to go at 11:00." "Alright now let's play video games." With so much excitement your friend went upstairs without hesitation you smiled at your friends joy and go upstairs to play video games.

----TIME SKIP because i am lazy----

After playing video games you look at the time and it was 12:00 you decided to go to bed so you wouldn't be tired for tomorrow. The next day you got up and it was 8:00 you got ready for the day and ate some breakfast, after awhile you see your friend come towards your house as you guessed she knocks on the door. "Y/N ARE YOU UP!" you hear your friend yell and you opened the door. "Yeah i'm up." "You usually don't get up during this time though?" "Yeah i know but i have a nightshift so i have to try to get enough energy." Your friend nodded in response after awhile you start to feel bored so you started playing video games to past time, after awhile it was now 10:00 you got ready for work you put on your uniform for the nightshift and once you go outside it was 11:00 you decided to use your bike to work to some air you got there and went inside after seeing it the first time it was scary but seeing it again really wasn't scary after a few minutes you found the office there was a note on the table it reads. "To Y/n if you see this please be careful for the ventilation error you'll learn more later." after reading the note the phone started to ring then some voice on the phone talked. "He-hey! Glad you came back for another night! I promise, it'll be a LOT more interesting this time! We found som-some great new relics over the weekend, and were out tracking down a new lead RIGHT NOW! So, uhh- let me just update you real quick, then you can get to work. Like, the attraction opens in like a week, so we have to make sure EVERYTHING works, and nothing catches on fire! Uhm, when the place opens, people will come in at the opposite end of the building, and works their towards you, and PASS you, and out the exit. Uh, yeah you've officially become part of the attraction. Uh, you'll be starring as... The Security Guard!... Uh, for now just get comfortable with the new setup. You can check the security cameras over on your right, with a click of that blue button. Uh, you can toggle between the Hall cams and the Vent cams. Uh, then over on your far left, you can flip up your maintenance panel Heh heh. Some of this equipment is BARELY functional! Uh, I wasn't joking about the fire, that- that's a real risk. Uhm, but the MOST IMPORTANT THING, you have to watch for, is the Ventilation. Look, this place will give you the spooks man, and if you let that ventilation go offline, then you'll start seeing some craaazy stuff man, keep that air blowing! Ok, keep an eye on things, and we'll try to have something new for ya' tomorrow night."€£ "This guy would blow my head off if he were talking to me my god."

-----------Time Skip EH-----------

After awhile you looked a the cams you found nothing as you expected nothing interesting, after being bored you decided to walk around the building after looking and not finding anything right when you were about to leave to your office you see a boarded up room before you could check it the bell rang you go back to your office it was 6:00am you assume that's when you leave so you got your things and left.

he's a intersecting bunny(SpringTrap x reader) discontinued Where stories live. Discover now