When the Seer Sees

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"Hey rose can I ask you something?" She nods while flipping the page of her book.
"I uh- I uh- I - "
"You like Karkat?"
"Oh uhm yes shit how-"
"Don't question it."
"Okay did the Mayor tell you?"
"Dave no."
"Then how the fuck..."
"Dave everyone knows that you and Karkat have these so called 'hots' for each other."
"Wait, he has them too? And how can anyone tell!"
"First off you are the only person he has spoken to or carried a real conversation with in months. He very rarely speaks to Kanaya. He actually looks happy when he is around you. How out of all people can you not tell when someone likes you?"
"I don't know I guess it's different cause I like him too..."
"Mhm. So back to why you came?"
"Well you're smart and all so I was wondering if you could give me advice on how to tell him." she laughs and places her hand on her heart.
"What? Dave Strider, wants MY advice? On DATING?"
"shut up. please?"
"Okay but all I'm going to tell you is a drawn out version of stop being an ass and go tell him." she places her hands on her lap, "Would you like that version?"
I sigh "No"
"Alright then."
"Ugh okay thanks Rose."
she nods once more diving back into her book and signals me to leave with a flick of her hand. So I really do have to tell him. What if it makes him hate me? Man, love is bullshit.


I kick my pillow around my room and think about Dave. What's new? Then I hear a knock. Then a voice.
"Yo Karks can I come in?"
"YES." Dave comes in with a movie case in one hand and a blanket in the other. Without speaking he puts the movie in the DVD player. he pulls me onto his lap and I feel a shiver down my spine. What the FUCK is happening.
"It's your favorite" the screen pops up and I feel the grin widen on my cheeks.
"Haha so movie da- I mean movie time?"


It's about half way into the movie and Karkat is cuddled up against me with my hands in his. I go for his horns and glide one finger across.
"OH- OH M- GO-" he emits a purring sound and arches his back, wait, hold the fuck up, does he get off on this? I smirk and start rubbing them more.
"Karkat you're purring!"
I chuckle and keep going.
"DAVE STOP - NOT THE- NEEEHHH- HORNS!" I slowly stop and he lies there.
"You okay?"
"Did you just get off on that?"
"NO WHAT THE FUCK" I just curl back up next to him and play with his messy hair.


The movie ends and he gently flips me over to look at him.
"Karkat I have to tell you something."
"Same time?" I nod and hold up three fingers counting down with him. It's time.
"I love you"
We sit there looking into each others eyes. Wait.. he loves me? Back?


"Karkat... Do you really?" His hand caresses my blushing cheek, his shades slipping down the bridge of his nose.
"YE-s yes I l-love you" I for the first time did not shout.
"I love you too" he hugs me tight and I do the same...

"Dave I love you so much."
"You're not yelling"
"No- I'm not" I nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck and shut my eyes. I feel myself drift off...

[[{ A/N }]]
Hey yeah they finally admitted it those butts. and uh ye lol okay

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