Candy Corn

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I lay on his bed, considering both sides.

"Okay but, it kind of is if you look at it from a human's point of view."

"Dave, no. IT'S NOT THAT WEIRD." His rosy cheeks are highlighted with anger. I laugh. "DAVE, USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN AND THINK A LITTLE." I laugh more, making the fun-sized troll yell aloud from under his bridge.

"I am thinking, and my thinking thinks it's weird. Don't look at me like that! It doesn't mean I'm opposed to it. I just think it's a little weird man." He rolls his eyes at me while sighing.

"WELL..." He was mumbling again. I raise a brow at him and cross my arms. "DO YOU NEED THOSE HEARING THINGS STRIDER?" I pretend to not know what he just shouted. 





"Bro I still can't hear you."

"UGH! So annoying. I could punch you." I smirk. 

"Don't punch me Karks- I'll cry." He slaps his palms to his face and groans. 

"Fuck off." 


You know what's harder than dating a human? Dating Dave Strider. I love him so much, but he's so annoying. Like- I just want to murder him with a blanket every time he pulls that irony shit.  I swear! I mean, Uh oh. There's my fuse again. I sigh, and ride my breath back to life. My surroundings consisted of basement walls as well as a tall blonde kid. He'd noticed my irritation; he was sweetly smiling down at me and his eyes were flickering with small bursts of fire. His pupils represented the little structure he had. His lips were parted although I knew there was nothing he could say to add to the moment. Not this time. We stared until he looked away. I never got him. He was always so 'real' but never really sincere. At least, not before he spoke up about being in love with a piece of shit like me. 

"Ah, there you are!" I cringe.

"GO AWAY SERKET." I swiftly sit up, Dave darts for his aviators. 

"Aw, I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?" Dave huffs and turns his head. 

"What's up spider bitch?" He questions. She mumbles something under her breath before continuing. 

"Nothing much, just thought I'd pop by on the worlds most adorable couple." 


"I need your help." Dave laughs and I just cross my arms. "Bitches! Please? I help you all the time, hell, you'd be dead without me." 


"With Terezi." Hm. 

"FINE. WHAT'S WRONG?" She walks over to the couch we've been cuddled up on and sits on the arm. 

"She's been doing that missing thing again. And- before you say anything, yes I've tried every way of bringing it up. The ass won't say a word. She just gets mad and starts flipping shit, yunno?" 

"Gamzee." She's taken aback by this, well- fuck. 

"Wow, Karkat Vantas can actually speak without screaming!" At this point, I could get mad and accuse her for being dumb, or just 'be cool' and let it go already. 

"Yeah, big deal. Hi, I'm Karkat. You're annoying me." Vriska raises an eyebrow at me and looks to Dave. 

"Dave what is he on, what's he doing?" Dave shakes his head. 

"Me." He retorts making blood boil under my cheeks so I shove my fist into his shoulder. He just chuckles and waves me off.  

"Gross. Okay well, never mind. Come get me when you guys aren't being disgusting." Dave grins. I watch the flames in his eyes flow to his mouth and stop him before he says anything to make me blush more. I glance at the door to see it shut. 

"Finally. Hey... Dave?" As I'm looking back I catch him glaring at me. Not, like, scolding me with his eyes, but, inspecting my face with his vision. "Dumb ass, you there?" No answer. "er.." 

In a single moment, it all happened so fast. His arms- his whole body lurched out at me, dragging me into this bubble of pure affection. He'd stopped moving; just centimeters away from my own lips, his breathing halted while his palms to his fingertips were sticky from anxiety. I wasn't sure what to do, it was so awkward to be this close. So I carefully slid his shades off, and I understood. He was not questioning himself- but simply afraid. So fuck it. I firmly pressed my lips to his, didn't move, just dived in. Both of our eyes were shot open, but they too soon melted into the kiss. It took time to transition from brick walls to in sync. 


Waves crashed about in this ocean that is my mind. Emotions, emotions were everywhere. I was the storm- or maybe the sand at the other end. Maybe Karkat was the rainbow after my hurricane or maybe he had been the sun that poked through my dark clouds. His soft lips against mine was a feeling I would not soon forget, or the fact that he kissed me. I gripped him tight because if I let go I'd never have him again. I shut my eyes and let this moment engrave itself into me. Time stopped as he became the center of my universe; in just one second.


Okay! It's not much, and its really feels-y but I hope you enjoy. It's different then how it was first written because I've grown as a writer (A lot).  And sorry for any error, I'm posting this at 4am. Any how, YAY! I'm so excited to continue this and thanks to certain people in the comment section I have ideas for what to do next. Oh yeah, I've also decided to stop typing the trolls dialogue in their text speak.. cause they're not typing lol! <3 

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