chapter 4

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Khushi: Good morning di happy birthday.

Anjali: good morning Khushiji and thank you. I hope you will come to the party tonight.

Khushi: of course di, I won't miss it but for now I need to go out before Bhai comes

Anjali: okay do come back in time before your brother comes.

Khushi: ( in mind, yeah this is my last freedom before he comes) bye see you at the party I need to look beautiful

Anjali just laugh it out and went to mind her own business

Aliyah: hello Khushi baby how are you doing?

Khushi: mom did you know that dad got married? why did you hide it from me huh? I don't want to talk to you.

Aliyah: chill baby I just found the day you were supposed to go to India and don't talk about your dad I'm still angry with him.

Khushi: so are you trying to tell me that we won't live together as family again? Mom you promised me! What am I going to do now? how will I cope with this? did you guys thought about me at all?

Aliyah: Khushi calm down baby, I wished I could go back in time, I wouldn't have left India to have you and moreover I would have made your father married me back then, but what can I do now honey it has happened already and it's not time to cry over spilled milk, just hang there and cope okay? And don't make troubles there.

Khushi: I want you mom, I want you with me, I need you mother please let me comeback okay and I promise I won't cause trouble again please mother,

Aliyah: I'm sorry Khushi but you will have to stay with your dad and his new family, baby just stay with him okay mm!

Khushi: you are abandoning me, you don't want me anymore that's why you brought me to India so that you don't have tolerate my presence, I'm a bother to you. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you and I don't want to see or talk to you again. She cut the call

Aliyah: baby! Baby! Khushi please don't say that, don't hurt mommy like this hello? Hello? Khushi? urgh this all your fault Shyam, she wept bitterly

Khushi ran back to the house and went straight into her room and cried

The house was buzzing with sounds of music as the party went on

Shyam: Ranisaheba happy birthday!

Anjali: thank you shyamji

Shyam: where is Khushi?

Anjali: she has refused to open her door nor come down since noon and no one know what is wrong, please can you check up on her maybe she will open the door once she hears your voice.

Shyam: okay (he headed to Khushi's room ) Khushi open the door instantly before I tear it down ( within a minute the door creaked open) what is the meaning of this? what is wrong with you? Why aren't you at the party

Khushi: I'm not in the mood dad ( she sound tired from crying) please can I sleep, I don't want to see anyone at the moment please.

Shyam: you wash your face and come down now Anjali wants you to be there with her.


Shyam: KHUSHI!!!!!!!! don't you ever talk to me in that tone ever again, okay? I'm not ready for your tantrums now, I'm going downstairs and want to see you in 30 minutes and don't make me come back here.

Khushi: urgh gosh I hate you, all of you.

Shyam: I will wait for you.
To say Shyam was angry was an understatement he was furious and if Khushi had not come down when he was about to go back would have been disastrous

Anjali: finally Khushiji you came, thank you dear. (Anjali was happy Khushi came).

Khushi: I don't want to be here I was forced to, I'm not feeling well so I will leave now please excuse me

Shyam: no you are not young lady, you will leave when the party is over okay.
Khushi just sat in one of the couch uninterested in the party

Arnav: who got you looking like this Khushi? why are you bored?

Khushi: nothing just not feeling good I will be fine

Arnav: I will take you somewhere tomorrow there is something I need to tell you

Khushi: okay when and where are we going?

Arnav: it's a surprise and just get ready in the morning okay.

Khushi: okay

The two of them begin to talk forgetting about the party going on and according to ASR he has fallen for his jijaji's sister.

Shyam excused himself when he got a call.

Shyam: hello Aliyah

Aliyah: this is all your fault Shyam I wish I didn't follow you to that party I wish I had gone home that night, and not stay at your place, I wish I didn't fall for your words, I wish I didn't give my virginity to you I wouldn't have gotten pregnant and I wouldn't have to hear my daughter's accusations, why Shyam why have you hurt me so much, was it a sin to fall in love with you?, what was my crime? was it to give birth to your child, today Khushi told me she hates me, my daughter thinks I'm abandoning her, that's all because you got married to another woman damnit.

Shyam: calm down Aliyah let's talk later I can't talk now.

Aliyah: yes right because the wife is around. Okay but know this if anything happens to my daughter you get to experience the hidden part of me. She cut the call and Shyam went straight to Khushi.

Shyam: can we talk now Khushi?
he drag her out of the house.

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jijaji's daughter Khushi Where stories live. Discover now