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Little Wesnesday & cg Enid:

Wednesday woke up, sweating with tears running down her face. She couldn't help but cry as she held onto her pink teddy that reminded her of Enid. Of course, speaking of Enid she woke up to hear the unfamiliar sound, getting up to investigate. She walked over to Wednesdays bed to see the small girl crying with her eyes closed tight as she was hugging her teddy close. Enid immediately picked her up and embraced her in a comforting hug. Usually Wednesday would throw a fit over being hugged but this time she felt grateful for having someone to care for her during her times of need. The tall girl hushed her and rubbed her back to make her feel better, which she did manage to do. Enid has had an encounter with little Wednesday before a time or two so she already knew where her little things were. "Sweetheart you had a bad dream, its okay everything's better now my love. Nobody can hurt you now, mama's here and I will always protect you." Enid said as she gently rocked the small girl in her arms.
"Lets get you a warm bottle and snuggle, I'll even put on your favorite disney movie!" Wednesday shook her head. "What? Your saying no to monsters ink??" Enid asked worriedly, seeing as when Wednesday regressed she still loved horror, however it had to be age appropriate and she soon had a new obsession with it. "scawry.." Wednesday said with a lisp as she looked down. "Oh baby Im sorry, your younger then usual huh?" Enid questioned, getting a nod in reply. "Thats okay angel, how about Winnie the pooh? It has wild animals in it! A bear, a tiger and even kangaroos." Enid said, proud of herself for making it seem scary-ish. Wednesday nodded while yawning. Enid put Wednesdays bottle in while it heated, she turned the tv on disney and had it ready. Next she decided to make popcorn for her and her baby to snack on. 10 minutes later and Enid was holding Wednesday in her lap on the bed covered up, popcorn by their side and Willa's bottle in her mouth, being held by Enid because Wednesday needed that extra support. A hour an a half went by, they snacked a little on the popcorn while Wen- Willa finished off the rest of her bottle. Once she was done she yawned and rubbed her eyes. Being lifted by her caregiver and burped. Enid then carefully laid down the small girl beside her and inserted her pacifier into her mouth. She sat Willa's empty bottle on the nightstand and tucked her in. Placing the laptop off to the side as she snuggled her baby into her chest. "Wuv you mama 'nid" Wednesday said in between her pacifier as she snuggled closer. "I love you too sweetheart, if you have another bad dream wake me up and I'll protect you."

Wednesday had a nightmare free night after that.

Ello luvs, requests are open again

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