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you were running as fast as your feet could carry you, shoving in between buildings, looking back to see if you'd lost him. you didn't. you continue cutting through alleys a jammed blaster in one hand and the necklace your mother gave you before she died in the other. suddenly he was in front of you coming from a different alley entrance, slamming into his metalled chest. you fall to the ground with an "uf" and you look up at the tall, helmeted Mandalorian standing in front of you.

"what do you want" you yell up at him.

"you." he says in a monotone voice still staring at you.

"Wha-" before even finishing he throws a bounty puck onto the floor landing right next to your leg, a hologram of you coming up. oh.

"Look we can make a deal, I help you with whatever you need, anything. and, you don't turn me in." you plead.

"no, I'm taking you in get up." the metalled man says.

"Please! I'm begging you they'll kill me, you don't even know what I did!" you say as he's walking you out of the alleyway and to, you assume, a ship.


when you get to the ship he tells you to sit down and he'll deal with you once we're in hyperspace. all you did was nod, looking down at the cuffs around your wrists. stars, you wish you could get out of this, you just need to convince him. once in hyperspace you see him descending down the ladder.

"look buddy I know you think Im this big criminal but I didn't do anything" you say.

"that's what they all say." he says with his back turned to you.

"look please I'm begging you ill do anything you need me to-" before you even finish what looks like a little green child comes walking out of the captains quarters. then an idea begins to swirl around your head.

"I'll look after it, the child, while you get stuff done. I'll babysit him, I'll clean, I'll cook, I'll make repairs, I literally will be your slave but just please don't turn me in, please." you say in a begging tone.

"will you shut up if I say yes." he says, beginning with a sigh.

"you have my word." you say with a small smile.

"okay, but so help me anything happens to the child, i will kill you very slowly, and very, very painfully." he says walking towards you, lowering to get to your level and to get in your face, then at the same time proceeding to unlock your cuffs. 

"yes sir." you say, slightly frightened but keeping your cool.

"get to work I'll be back in the next 24 hours." he says leaving the ship.


                                                                          3 months later

your job is boring but, mando made a deal with you that he would give you some of the credits he gets for the work he does, so you can pay back the credits he lost not turning you in, which was a lot. something that you didn't know was that he also just wanted to pay you because he noticed how exhausted you were taking care of the child. all you do all day is play with the kid, try to clean with a baby on your hip, feed the kid, fix the ship up, and just kinda sit around all day. it's fun at times but on days like today you feel are the hardest, it's 3 in the morning, mando is out to catch someone and the child will not stop crying and getting into stuff.

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