chapter 5

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Sam's POV

When i got home my mother was in the kitchen , most likely cooking for the jerk bag of a step father.

"Why home so early ?" she looked at me with a funny ass face , i guess she was trying to make a mad face and be a good mother & look upset , but it only made me laugh .

" Wasnt feeling well ..... & Alisha's coming over later by the way." i just had to make sure i through that part in so that i wont have to hear her nag later about how i didn't let her know. "Great .... ill give you guys money so you can order pizza or go eat out somewhere."

She was usually never this generous, but i guess her and the jerk want me out the house so they can do the "nasty".

" great .... i guess we'll just go out to eat. ill give you and the jerk .... i mean 'step daddy' some time alone." i felt a little not in my stomach when i said step daddy. ew.

" Be nice ..... i dont want any arguing or anything tonight between you too. Thank you very much !" she gave me the 'or else ' eyes.

After she said that i just nodded & went upstairs to my room. I needed to pick out an outfit cause if im going out to eat i might as well call the girls and have a girls night out. Then me and alisha can come back here & finally talk.

I had texted Alisha & asked if she could stay over so we can talk , but after we went out with the girls ofcourse so we can have a little fun first. she agreed and was excited more than i thought she would be. But nothing new , just usual her.

I texted Je
nifer & Tina to let them know they had no choice but too come. They agreed also , but with the exception of them bringing a date.

I was in my closet searching for something to wear when a nock came to my door.

I yelled come in but regretted it afterwards. It was daddy dearest. The jerk.

" Your mother informed me that you would be stepping out tonight. So i figured I'd give you money for your night out just incase you decided too stay out longer than expected or for any extra things ... so how much ? "

I knew what he really wanted to say. That if i was going to meet a guy or have sex to use protection & the extra money was for me to stay out longer so i wouldnt be back too early to hear what him and mom was really up to.

I looked at him with a excited but worried face & said " on a school night ? wouldn't mom , and you , be worried if i was out too late ?" He just looked at me and nodded, "Not really i mean your old enough & we cant necessarily keep you from having fun. But that doesnt mean push your luck missy." He winked at me.

you know , he's not so bad when he's giving me what i want.

" Thank you for at least understanding more than mom , & i dont want money , i want the credit card , please and thank you." I smiled like a little angel.

" You know that i wont be able to control your mother if anything happens to this card , right ? " He said waving the card around.

" yeah yeah i know .... and dont worry about writing the pin down , i have it down packed." i stuck my tongue out when he handed me the card. I felt the need to comfort him and tell him thank you again but i just gave him a hug instead.

He hugged me back surprisingly. Then let go and headed for the door and stopped short and said " Just be careful & dont come in too late okay ? night." Then he shut the door.

Right when he shut the door my phone rang & i ran around my bed to get it and quickly picked up.

"Hello ? , yes this is she may i ask who's speaking ? "

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