Chapter one

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                      1 year later

It was Toby's 6th year birthday. Pa Antonio got him a cake with six candles. Toby blows them out and wish for his parents to come back from where they went. Pa Antonio felt terrible each time Toby asked of his parents.

                      2 years later

It was Toby's birthday again. This time he was 8 years old. The reality of the death of his parents had sunk into him. His grandfather got him a cake as usual with 8 candles. He blows them out but doesn't bother with the wish cause he knew it wasn't going to happen anyway.  Pa Antonio realises that if care isn't taken, Toby would grow up a resentful, malicious and depressed child.

A week later......

"Toby", Pa Antonio calls.
" Yeah gramps? "
"We are moving", Pa Antonio announces.
Toby is taken aback, " Sorry, what?!"
"You heard me kiddo, we're moving".
" Where?", Toby asks.
" To Oceano".

Toby was neither happy nor sad about moving, however his grandfather was excited so he complied.

They moved to Oceano, his grandfather's previous city.
There Pa Antonio began raising Toby up according to the Antonio history.
He educated Toby on the life on the seas and the joy that comes with it. The Antonios are descendants of pirates and sailors.
Toby schooled at Aqua bay elementary.
Pa Antonio dedicated his retired life to teaching Toby how to be a proper Antonio.
They went on hikes, hunts and many old family traditions. He taught him how to swim and explained his bloodline to him.
He taught him a lot of things but Toby's favorite was the history of an Island.
An island discovered by his ancestor Jacques Antonio and his friends.
Legends have it that a great amount of gold and treasure are hidden there.


When Toby was 11, Pa Antonio began to fall ill. It was a one off disease that was unidentified. It came and went. When Toby was 12, Pa Antonio became bedridden. Pa Antonio was told that he had cancer. He ensured that Toby never found out. He lied that it must be old age and joked about his death. Toby didn't find it funny, his grandfather is the only living known relative he has and he was very fond of him. He couldn't imagine such a horrible situation.
Pa Antonio's condition kept getting worse.

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