Chapter two

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Toby walked quickly up the stairs to his grandfather's room. He had a glass of water and some medicine. He enters and sees his grandfather sitting hopelessly on the bed. The old man still had a twinkle in his eyes.
He knew that his grandfather has cancer, he searched online. Why his gramps bothered to keep it a secret remained a mystery.
'' Good morning gramps, looking better each day," he says cheerfully.
" Spare me the sarcasm Toby," Pa Antonio croaks. Toby smirks a little, apparently his ears are still good enough to detect his hidden sarcasm.
"Here is your daily delicacy," Toby gestures to the medicine earning a groan from his grandfather.
" Again with the sarcasm boy, it isn't proper to use it too often" Pa Antonio says, " you aren't even listening to me."
" Huh, oh yeah. Uhm, of course I'm listening I just got side tracked a little," Toby says.
Pa Antonio sits up but groans a lot. Toby instantly got to his feet, "  What are you trying to do Gramps?! "
"Isn't it obvious, I'm trying to sit up so stop making such a fuss," Pa Antonio says then coughs.
After a period of adjustment, he was finally sitting up on the bed.
"  Toby "
" Yeah gramps "
"Today is your birthday isn't it?"
Toby is silent. He stares at the carpet and nods.
Pa Antonio chuckles bitterly, " I didn't even get you a mini cake or a cup cake."
" There is no need for that, I've out grown it and besides we need all the money we can to pay for your medicine and treatment," Toby says.
" Come here boy."
Toby drags his chair closer to the bed.
"  There is something I've been meaning to tell you but you weren't old enough," Pa Antonio begins, " When an Antonio turns thirteen, he takes on the oath."
" What oath?" Toby asks.
" Hush now and let me finish my sentences," Pa Antonio says, " You know that story on the hidden treasure, the one by old man Jacques"
Toby nods knowing his gramps hated to be interrupted when telling a story.
" The treasure has never been recovered since it was buried," Pa Antonio pauses for effect. Toby remained expressionless.
Pa Antonio continues, " We promised to pass down the knowledge of this island to our children till the time is right. "
" Your father took the oath but wasn't able to pass down this tradition to you. I will do that but differently. You are taking an oath to find the island."
" What?!" Toby yells
" I've tried to find it but I couldn't probably because its not mine to find but yours."
" Hold on old man, you are saying that I have a quest to find the hidden treasure that we have absolutely no idea how to even start? Cause it's my destiny? Come on Gramps, this wasn't what I was hoping for on my birthday. Don't start to hallucinate" Toby says.
"I'm not hallucinating, everything I said is true and as for not having a clue, open that drawer," Pa Antonio says pointing at a set of drawers.
Toby opens the drawer he pointed at and sees a collection of old books and parchment.
" Bring them over here" Pa Antonio beckons.
The books were dusty and seemingly parched. When they opened it, a lot of notes had been scribbled on the pages, with diagrams and instructions. Some in Latin, in Italian and French.
" What is this? " Toby asks.
" This is your guide book to find the treasure, I believe you know the languages in the book, I will like to believe I didn't spend these past years wasting my time," Pa Antonio says
Toby nods.
" You will need courage and bravery and wits and if possible, friends," Pa Antonio says, " the quest cannot be achieved alone that's for sure."
Toby knew what his gramps meant by friends. The issue was that Toby never kept friends. For some reason, everyone wants to hang out with him but he doesn't want it. They all talk about their parents, cry to them when they need something. None of them understands what he went through. He doesn't wish it for them but he wouldn't hang out with them either.
" Promise me..." Pa Antonio says snapping Toby out of his thoughts.
" Promise me that you will take on this quest ", Pa Antonio says. He then begins to cough strongly.
" You have to take your complete medicine , Toby tells him worriedly.
" You have to promise me first", he responds still coughing and wheezing.
" I promise gramps, I will find it even if it kills ", Toby says hurriedly, " now take your medication".
The old man complies and the cough cease.
He lays down on his bed and smiles as he stares at the ceiling.
" Why are you  smiling like that? " Toby asks.
" Do you remember when you first learnt how to swim?" Pa Antonio asks with nostalgia.

Toby cringes at the memory. It was one of the numerous number of times he had come close to dying. They had gone to the ancient Antonio settlement where young children undergo their rite of passage. It had a set up to help train them to be Strong swimmers.
His gramps gave him oral instructions and told him to figure the rest out. He got into the ocean and realised it was high tide and a storm was slowly brewing. He looked back at the beach frightened and calls his grandad for help. Pa Antonio had laughed and told him to swim back in time before the storm hit. The old man then says, " you had better learn to swim or die in the water. This is a strict tradition and anyone incapable of achieving this  cannot bear the Antonio name". He then turns and walks away. Toby struggled, going in and out of the water. He gulped in the ocean in large swallows. Water rushed into him. The nearby fishes wisely swam out of the way. He was clouded with fear, worry and anxiety. He wished it would all end and he would be safe on dry ground. It then occurs to him what his grandfather said during the oral orientation. Be calm and think of it as breathing. He calmed himself down and floated in the water. Eventually, he tested out the current and went with the flow. The water goes to and fro from the beach. He follows the instructions given to him and was able to move in the water without drowning. He then gets a hang of it and could swim averagely well. He was able to get back to the shore safely.
The next few days were spent teaching him how to swim greatly.

Toby wondered why such a memory would make his old man smile but shrugs it off.
" yeah I do."

A moment of silence.

" What will you do if I die?", Pa Antonio asks suddenly.
" What kind of talk is that gramps, don't go planning on dying right now ", Toby says, his worry increasing.
Pa Antonio chuckles, " death is part of life Toby, you have to face the reality."
Toby draws near his grandad worried, " are you sure you are feeling okay gramps?"
"Toby, I have cancer."
" I know gramps."
" You are a smart boy, don't you wonder why I kept it from you?"
" A little"
" You appear mature and like you don't care much about things but deep down, you do. You act aloof but are very serious within. Any random person who has never watched you fall and rise, get hurt and cry, will never be able to understand that. You knew I was hiding this from you so you gathered facts and figured it out yourself. I'm surprised that I was able to live this long but I don't fear the death. Neither should you Toby. You have to understand that I won't be around much longer".

Tears streamed  down Toby's face, " No gramps, don't do this. I don't want this speech."
" You don't want it yet you don't leave, an Antonio at heart. I love you and I want you to know that your parents also did. Make me proud and always pick yourself up each time you fall."

Pa Antonio then falls asleep.

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