4) Sleeping Together

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Another Niall! To the right is a picture of how i imagine Niall.

I wonke up looked at the clock and saw it said 9:40 AM. I noticed that i was laying on someone. I looked up and saw it was my boyfriend, Niall. I couldnt help but smile. I love him. I cant believe im laying on him.

I tryied moving my hands but realised they were under his back. Was i hugging him the whole night? I felt his hands move on my back. I truned my head as far as i could and smiled, his hands were on my back like he was protecting me. I started to blush just laying on him. his legs spread apart slightly while mine were inside his.

I turned my head to look at his face. He looked so beautiful. Like he was smiling. I felt his chest go up slowly and then back down. He did that a couple more times and then he started to take in a deep breath and thats when I immediately put my head back down on his chest, preatending to sleep. I herd him yawn and then go back to breathing his normal pace again. I couldnt help but smile and soon I fell back to sleep...


I yawned and turned my head to look at the clock, it said 11:13. I turned my head to find someone laying on me. It was (Y/N). My god did she looked geargous. I couldnt stop staring at her. I saw that my hands were on her back. One in the middle of her shoulder blades and the other on her lower back. I always made sure she was safe. I couldnt think if anything happened to her.

I felt her hands move under my back and she started to hug me, when she did she tried hidding her face in my chest. I couldnt help but blush. Am i that much of a softy? I dont care it was cute and adorable. I held her close to my chest and breathed in deaply tring not to wake her. I was in heaven. I layed their admiring her and all her beauty. My eyes starting feeling heavy and i soon fell back to sleep.

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