Cutie ~ Yang Jeongin

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This is gonna be a cute chapter 🤭



"Jeongin~" I called, shaking my boyfriend. " Wake up, you promised you would take me out today" I said, dragging the covers off of him. " Alright, I'm up.." He said rubbing his eyes. " Morning Jeongin" I said, smiling "Morning M/n" He said, returning the gesture. After he got ready we headed to the car. " So what's the plan for today?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the road. "How about we go for boba amd then we take a walk on the beach and then make more plans after we do those?" I asked. "Sure, I just have to make one stop" He said. I nodded in response and sat back in my seat. After a while he stopped at a house and got out " I'll be back" he said before closing the car door. I watched him walk into the yard before he disappeared into the house. After a while he came out with a bag and an older lady following him out. He got in the car and rolled down the window. " M/n, sweetheart, it's so nice to see you!" The lady, Jeongin's mom, exclaimed happily. " Hi Mrs. Yang! How have you been?" I asked smiling. " I've been well. If my dear son would visit me more I would be great." She said looking at Jeongin, who just rolled his eyes. " We have a date now mom so bye!" Jeongin said. "Enjoy! Bye!" She exclaimed. Thankfully, the boba shop wasn't very far from Jeongin's house so it didn't take long. " We are here!" He said, smiling. I smiled back and we went in. I got a Black Milk Tea and Jeongin got the same. We went upstairs to the balcony and sat down. "What do you want to talk about?" He asked. I sighed and shrugged. "Maybe after our walk on the beach we can watch a movie at home?" He suggested. I sipped some of my drink before replying. " Good idea" I agreed, nodding. He smiled and looked off the balcony at the view. You could see the beach not very far off and the waves crashing. The sunlight bounced off the windows of the buildings and houses. I took this as my chance to take a picture of him and peeked my camera off the side of the table and got the perfect picture. Unfortunately the camera noise was loud and Jeongin noticed. "Did you take a picture of me?" He asked smirking. "What? No" I said looking away, making giggle. "Your so cute." He said smiling at me. " No you are." I said, admiring his beauty. He just smiled in response.

Jeongin POV

It was now 4:45 pm and M/n and I were walking along the beach near the edge of the water. Occasionally the water would come up to our feet, wetting them but we didn't mind. The sun was against the line between the sea and the sky, making an orange light reflect off the water. The sky was painted with pink, orange and light violet colours. " Thank you Jeongin~" M/n said, turning my attention to him. "For what?" I asked confused. "For taking me out like you said. I enjoyed today." He said hugging me. " I'm just being a good boyfriend" I said proudly, earning a chuckle from him. I kissed his forehead and smiled. "Wanna go now?" He asked. "Yeah, I don't want any bugs to bite us." I replied.
We got to our apartment 30 minutes later and washed our feet from the sand before going to watch a movie. " So what movie do you want to watch?" I asked. " Hmm...maybe ( y/f/m)?" M/n suggested. " Sure" I agreed. We cuddled up in bed before putting on the movie. During the movie we ate a lot of snacks and even though they tasted great it comes with a price..literally. We ate most of the snacks we had so I had to go to the mall to get more snacks and other stuff tomorrow. Near the end of the movie M/n fell asleep on my shoulder but I continued to watch until it was over. "Goodnight M/n" I said, kissing his forehead and tucking him in before I went to sleep too.

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