Chapter 2: My 7 Guardian Angels

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*Gue- Sung's pov*

I had not expected them to stay. I watched as the guys all looked at Taehyung confused. He smiled at them and then looked over at me and smiled again. I assumed it was some boy code. I went back to my counter and pulled my notebook in front of me again. I still had homework to do. I then remembered that I also had to clean the shelves the men had messed up. I left behind the counter and walked to the isles. I bent and started collecting the the snacks from the floor when a hand gently grabbed my wrist. It was one of Taehyung's friends.

"I can do this, you look like you're studying." I looked up to see a taller boy with dark hair and pretty dark eyes. I blushed at the touch and he pulled his hand away quickly clearing his throat.

"You and your friends have helped me so much. I don't want to inconvenience you." I looked up at him as he stood there just staring at me shocked.

"It's okay, Taehyung is cooking the noodles with Jimin, I figured I could use my time helping you put these away." I looked up and smiled and nodded as I handed him a few packs of snacks.

"Thank you, I'm Gue-Sung by the way, what was your name? I smiled as I started putting snacks up and waited for his response.

"I am Jung Hoseok." He said as he continued putting snacks up on the shelves neatly. We had the whole isle re-organized before Taehyung called that the Bibimmenyeon was ready. The boys all raced together to sit and eat talking amongst themselves. Hoseok oppa waited to meet the others and looked at me smiling. "I'm sorry that this happened. Do you want us to stay with you until your manager comes? We can. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook have school, but they usually stay up late at night a lot playing games." I looked at him shocked and said,

"I will be okay, I don't want to inconvenience any of you." He nodded and walked to join the other boys at the table and began eating as I walked quickly to the counter and began looking over my homework.

The boys never left. I would glance over to find a new head laying on the table, where another one had fallen asleep. I smiled at them, staying the night to make sure I was safe. Taehyung, Hoseok, and two other boys stayed awake watching me from their table as I finished my homework and put it in my bag. I then checked the date on our fridge products and took them over some items as I also enjoyed some. They smiled thanking me and I nodded holding a finger over my lip as the other boys slept soundly there heads on the table.

*Taehyung's pov*

      I will stay awake for her. I thought as I noticed Jimin hyung smiling at her as she wrote in her notebook. Why is he looking at her affectionately? She looked up and he quickly looked away the smile disappearing as he looked down at his phone quickly. Weird behavior for him. He must like her.

I looked over to see Hoseok hyung flash her with a thumbs up in encouragement as she did her homework. She smiled and then went back to writing in her notebook. Hoseok hyung seems fond of her. She might remind him of his sister. She was just as pretty as Hoseok hyung's sister. She was older than us all, but Hoseok hyung was always very protective of her. He had told us stories of them growing up, he always shared lessons she taught him. He loved his older sister very much, and even though they were a few years apart in ages, they seemed very close.

I looked over and caught her eye briefly and after holding her gaze for a little she turned quickly and went to put her books in her backpack. She must have finished her homework finally. She quickly went to the fresh products and began sorting them placing some in a basket. A few minutes later she smiled as she brought them to us to enjoy.

The boys happily took a few excited to have yummy snacks but I noticed she had not gotten anything yet. So I grabbed one Samgak Kimbap and then proceeded to push the basket to her. She looked at me and I smiled as I held up the Kimbap and nodded in appreciation and she took the rest and enjoyed them happily. She seemed hungry.

I stood up and walked the isles looking for my favorite snack. Ggool Kwabaeji is a favorite of mine and Jimin Hyungs, everyone usually loves this one, so it will surely make her happy to have some. I walked up to her placing the bag on the counter and she looked at me confused. She handed me another Kimbap, and I shook my head returning it to her and handing her the correct Won for the chips and stood smiling as she put it in the register. She looked at me confused when I walked away without the chips. I motioned to her it is for you and she looked so shocked. I sat at the table smiling, and Hoseok hyung smiled at me. Great he knows.

*Hoseok's pov*

I knew of all the guys, Yoongi hyung would fall asleep first. I was pleasantly surprised when it was Namjoon. He put his head down and minutes later he was snoring. Gue-Sung looked over and giggled at his snores. She continued working on her homework and then I looked over to see Yoongi hyung asleep. Jin hyung was the next member to fall asleep. Taehyung seemed so determined to stay awake and so was I. The last thing I wanted was us to all fall asleep and her to be left alone. I felt a need to protect her, and I could only explain it as the same feeling I felt for my sister. She had the same cute innocent personality as my sister. So I was determined to stay awake to protect her.

I saw her look over and Jimin blush and look away. So him and Taehyung both like her, great they will fight over her like mandu and ggool kwabaeji. I smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up in encouragement. She smiled and continued her homework. The maknae line was busy playing a game on their phone as I was watching videos on my phone. Gue-Sung came over with a basket full of yummy fresh snacks that were out of date. We all grabbed some excitedly and ate them happily. Taehyung surprised me by leaving her four things and only taking one. After eating, he went to the snack isle and grabbed a bag of his favorite chips and she looked at him confused as he handed her the money. I was shocked when he came back without his chips then I smiled understanding him. He likes her enough to take care of her before himself. It is cute that he is caring enough to give her his favorite snacks.

I watched as she ate half of it and came over to hand him the other half. He smiled and ate the rest as she sat beside him watching him play. A few minutes later, Jimin put his phone down and laid his head down. He said he wanted to rest before he continued playing. When he did not raise his head a few minutes later, we all already knew he fell asleep. I smiled as Taehyung showed Gue- Sung how to play the game and then let her play for him against Jungkook. She lost, but Taehyung was not even sad he had lost. She cutely handed him his phone back and he did not take it. She looked at him confused, until he told her.

"It is missing my new friend's number, please add it before returning." I smiled at Taehyung being so smart about getting her number. She blushed but typed her number in and added him on Kakao talk also. He smiled happily and took it back and sent her a message. She smiled and added it to her contacts, then went back to organizing the store and restocking as we watched over her.

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