Chapter 6: After School

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*Taehyung's pov*

I messaged Gue-sung on kakao talk letting her know I wanted to walk home with her. She responded with the following:

"Sounds good, I will see you there." She sent back as I looked out the window in my classroom. I smiled at her message and then tried to focus on my classes. It did not happen. I ended up being more focused on thinking about walking with her to her house then paying attention to school. Jimin glanced over again shaking his head as he wrote on a paper to me,

     You are so into her!

     I smiled and nodded at him. I tried harder to focus on class, but ended up staring out the window again thinking about what she could be doing. Finally the bell rang ending the day and Jimin shook his head as I ran to meet her at the entrance. I got there before she did and I smiled as I waited for her to come meet me. I was probably too excited cause other students walked by giggling and pointing at me as I waited. Finally, I saw her walking with a girl on her way to meet me. The girl hugged her good bye and smiled as she walked to me. I smiled and waved and then she was beside me.

     "Hi, Gue-sung!" I greeted her as she approached. Her face was slightly pink, but she was smiling happily at me as she came closer.

      "Hi, Taehyung oppa! How was your day?" I smiled and nodded and answered her as I took her hand and we started walking. She tried to wiggle her hand free from mine her face turning brighter pink. I smiled down at it and let her hand go and she walked beside me a smile never leaving her face. We made it to the bus stop and to my surprise, Jimin was sitting there waiting.

     He smiled at us and waved as he got off the seat and offered it to Gue-sung. She smiled and nodded and he purposely bumped my arm teasing me about her as I went to stand beside her. I smiled and looked down at her to see her looking through a notebook. I knew she was flipping through her notes. She probably did not have a lot of time to study when she worked so late. I smiled and let her look through her notes and tapped her shoulder when the bus came.

     She smiled and put her notebook in her bag hastily as the bus pulled up and we followed behind Jimin as he got on the bus. After school we had practice today. I would walk her home then meet the others at the dorm and wait to go to practice. The Big Hit building was a few blocks away. So I would stroll through the local park, Hakdong. We spent alot of time walking this park. It was a special place. Maybe one day I can share a moment with her here.

     The bus began to move and we stood her in front of me as we smiled and waited for our stop. A few minutes later we all got off the bus, and Jimin rushed ahead to give us time. I smiled at him in thanks. I took Gue-sung's hand and we slowly walked to her home. I mentioned that I would be busy later and I was not sure if I could make it back to walk her to her job. I said I would try, but if I could not I would message her.

     "Taehyung oppa, you do not have to walk me if you are busy. I can go myself." She simply smiled at  me and my heart fluttered. She is such a brave girl.

     "Message me when you leave and when you make it there." I said as I hugged her gently before walking back to my own dorm. Around the corner, I found Jimin standing waiting for me. He elbowed me as I walked by and said,

"Wow, you really like her a lot. You going to tell her you're a idol trainee?" I looked at him and swatted him back.

"Eventually. I want to get to know her as me first before I tell her I'm a idol trainee to be in a k-pop group. That will come with time." I said as we began to walk back to our dorm.

"Okay, I will not say anything to the others, just be careful, TaeTae." Jimin held the door open as we walked into the dorm. I changed out of my school uniform and put on sweats and finished my homework quickly. Thankfully last weekend I had gotten ahead on it to prepare for the practices. I had left my math to do today so I would have something to do before practice. Math took me time so it gave me an excuse to get out of the beginning of practice with Hoseok oppa.

*Gue-sung's pov*

I had tried to focus on classes through the rest of the day, but I kept doodling his name instead. Since when did I get a crush on a boy so easily? Near the end of the day, I started getting more excited. The bell rang and I quickly packed my bag. One of the girls in my class stopped me as I got up ready to run and meet Taehyung oppa at the front entrance.

"Yah Gue-sungie, who was that boy that walked you to class?" It was a girl that had never talked to me before. I looked around the room and she approached me and grabbed my hand like we were now friends. I shook her hand off me, and said,

"What? Why are you so curious?" She looked disappointed at my question and then she gushed more saying,

"He is so cute! Why did you not introduce him to us all? Are you dating him?" She stood waiting enthusiastically and I looked around to see other girls in my class also listening waiting for my answer.

"He and I are close. I have to go he's waiting for me." I walked away rolling my eyes. Then proceeded to run to get to the entrance quickly. I caught up with my best friend and we walked together. She smiled looking ahead as Taehyung oppa came into view. I took a breath and said goodbye to her before walking to meet him. I could feel the blush in my cheeks.

     "Hi, Gue-sung!" He greeted me so warmly as I walked to him. I smiled at him happily as Jimin oppa walked by smiling as he walked by us. I greeted Taehyung oppa and we started walking to the bus stop. When we got there I saw Jimin playfully teasing him and it made me shy. I took out my notebook to look over some notes.

It gave me something to do to not feel as shy. I cannot help but be distracted by Kim Taehyung. He tapped my shoulder as the bus was pulling to the stop and I quickly tucked my notebook back in my bag and followed Jimin and Taehyung onto the bus. Taehyung stood behind me as we rode the bus occasionally saying something to me about school. When we got off the bus at our stop I noticed Jimin pick up his pace and Taehyung's smile at him.
Finally we could talk without Jimin teasing us.

"I will be busy with the group of guys later, so I might not be able to walk you to work. If I can make it happen, I will let you know via messages." He looked at me sadly as I smiled at his cuteness. I told him I understood and it was okay I can walk myself if needed and he smiled happily at me saying,

      "Message me when you leave and when you make it there."He reached out his arms and I hugged him not wanting to let go. I walked inside after watching him walk to the end of my street and I changed from my uniform. My classmates were right, he is cute. I did my homework and waited for his messages between my homework. He had messaged me he had made it home, and a few other times just to talk. I smiled at how cute he was.

Right before 9: 30 he said I will be home in 5 minutes, meet me at Hakdong park and I will walk you to work. You have to be there at 10?

I smiled and answered him and started getting dressed. I walked the few blocks to the park to see him dancing playfully around. He had some skill so I stopped for a few minutes to watch him. I smiled and approached him and his face turned pink in embarrassment.

     "Ahhh Gue-songie, how long did you see me?" He seemed so shy I had seen him.

     "Only a few minutes, oppa, but you are really good. Are you ready to go?" He smiled at me and nodded as we began the 2 block walk to the store I worked at overnight. I felt happy having him near me. It was a relief. He walked me there then started going through snacks and food in the store. He brought up enough food for the other boys and smiled at me.

     I rang him up and he sat with me til he started falling asleep on the table and I sent him home to sleep. I smiled as he wandered out through the door back to his home. That Kim Taehyung is a sweet boy. I am lucky to have him in my life.

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