Human to Spirit.

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This has been going on for a month now. Even when he came back tired he was ready for him.

This specific night, was different.

Ranboo watched as Reaper came through the window and floated towards him with a smirk like always.

"Your favorite spirit is back!!" "Shut up and sit down dumbass." Responded immediately Ranboo, Reaper only laughed and took his time to sit down.

As they both sat in silence, Ranboo finally asked the question.."Listen here, I don't know if I'm being drugged or some shit but am I hallucinating or is this bullshit real. Cause this simply can be a dream." Spat Ranboo.

Reaper's smile faded slowly at hearing that, well for a second before it came back.

"This is all real Boo, only the people who live in this room can see me, meaning you are the only one that can and not the others in this house."

Ranboo rolled his eyes in amusement, he didn't belive the last part one bit. That's till a new question appeared on his mind.

"So, how did you die?"

Reaper was no longer smiling. He was serious. He was refusing to look at Ranboo in the eyes aswel.

After moments of silence, he exhaled and started speaking, catching Ranboo off guard.

"Well, I was your average 16 year old teen who didn't want to be anywhere and did drugs most the time without my parents knowing. I was considered the quiet kid and got in trouble for bringing a gun once to school. Fucking dicks." Started Reaper, leaning onto Ranboo's shoulder to rest his head.

"My parents at first were so happy to hear I finally made friends, their names were Tom, Clay and Bill. Tom usually one of those class clowns in every class I had, so I met him through one of his pranks. I invited them over to my house one night but I didn't expect it to be my..last night." Reaper Spat the last words before pausing and continuing, keeping his cool.

"Turns out those 3 sons of a bitches had a plan. Say yes, go in and slice my neck deep before dragging me outside, throwing me in some bushes and shoot me to put me out of my misery."

The room was now silent.

Ranboo wasn't expecting to hear all that, he recognize those names.

"You appeared on the news 3 months ago. Which is how we found the house and bough it." Whispered Ranboo under his breath, though, Reaper heard it.

Instead on getting angry, Reaper just laughed hesitantly before wrapping his arms around Ranboo's arm.

"Tom is my neighbor, or was my neighbor. We hung out all day till the incident. I belive he is still living there and goes to the same school, they never got caught somehow."

Ranboo looked down at him, which made the other look back up.

"I know that kid, he goes to my math class. He got me introuble the first day cause of some girl who was staring at me." Spat Ranboo, Reaper laughed in amusement.

"You know you aren't that bad, never expected someone as hot as you to appear in my room." Teased Reaper, Ranboo let out a small laugh, not falling for it.

As the time started going by, Reaper stood up to leave through the window until he turned around to face Ranboo.

"You have to promise me something boo." Ranboo stood up in confusion, "what do you want me to promise you Bee."

Reaper let out a soft smile hearing the nickname but quickly went back to being serious.

"Promise me you won't ignore me and you'll do anything for me. I lied earlier, those 3 can also see me most likely. So if I'm caught here for one of them I don't think I'll return." Said Reaper, Ranboo smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"I promise I wont do any of that, now leave cause I need sleep dickhead" Laughed Ranboo, Reaper pushed him back playfully and left.

Ranboo now stood there and looked at the window, the story, the plan, the..touching.

He stood there for a while, it felt like minutes, hours.. He finally snapped back and walked over to his bed.

"I need to clear my mind of this, I think I just made a deal with the devil."

//Words 728 I'm trying to keep this alive cause this AU is alright yet I feel creative☆\\

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