"Class Clown"

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Ranboo woke up the next day and left without waiting for Aimsey or even looking at his parents.

As he stepped into school, Ophelia started walking next to him, she's been doing that for a while now that Ranboo sorta just became friends with her just like that.

"Ran! What's wrong?" Opehlia asked, staring at Ranboo with worry as they walked down the hallway to their first class, Ranboo only sighed and looked at his phone. Completely ignoring his friend and entering the class.

As he slumped down to his seat, Ophelia sitting down next to him, still trying to see if he was alright. Suddenly, a paper ball was thrown at Ranboo, catching him off guard and looking up quickly.

The boy was indeed the one Reaper was talking about..The blonde boy, having his group of friends laughing..the class clown, Tom.

"Look everyone, Ranboo's little girlfriend is trying to support him like a dog she is! Fucking historical." Tom said with a smug smile, his friends tagging along. Ranboo was not having it today.

As Tom turned around, Ranboo threw his eraser at him, making Tom turn around with a anger look in his face. Ranboo was now on his feat, Ophelia standing behind him.

"What? Is little Tommy going to cry? What are you gonna do? Kill me and throw me into the woods? You pussy." Ranboo Spat.

Tom stood up, a bit of horror and rage in his eyes, some kids got up with their phones out, and just as expected, Ranboo was the first to charge at Tom and begin hitting before Tom returned the favor.

Screaming and Cheering came from the room, causing other kids to run in and staff run in aswel.

The staff had a hard time getting through the amount of kids, the classroom was cramped. Ranboo had thrown Tom against a desk, causing Tom to hit himself then throw himself onto Ranboo full force.

As both boys fought a sudden sharp pain came through his waist, as he let out a painful scream he looked down and felt his heart race. Tom had a pocket knife and stabbed him, still trying to dig the knife deeper.

Ranboo punched Tom, pushing him off and making his way through the people as they place their phones on his face, Tom screaming after him while Ophelia was trying to catch up to him.

As he made it out the classroom he ran towards the restroom, locking himself in. The restroom was empty due to the fight and his body was in extreme amounts of pain, he limped through heavy breaths towards the sink and coughed, catching his breath.

Screaming from students and staff outside the restroom door, almost being able to hear Ophelia's voice through everything.

He pulled his mask down to be able to breath, he looked down towards his waist that was tightly covered by his now blood covered hand, he stared at the mirror.

His almost overgrown hair over his very bruised eye, blood almost puriing out his nose and mouth, and being covered in Tom's and his own blood.

He heard keys twist the lock and a staff burst in. No students around..it seemed the staff and teachers were able to control them back to their classes.

It took the staff a millisecond to realize the state Ranboo was in to scream something Ranboo couldn't understand and saw nurses and other staff run in before passing out.

Only a couple minutes later, he felt his consciousness return, his surroundings cold..that was before he felt a extremely cold and horrible acid liquid enter the stab wound and his eyes shot open.

He turned down and saw a nurse, a male one, put alcohol over the stab wound before walking towards the cabinet and wrapping the wound with compression bandages.

The nurse had notice Ranboo's consciousness and smiled through his mask, "Glad to have you conscious again. You got in a big fight, got a whole restroom getting disinfected and almost losing a lot of blood, but good thing your okay for now." The nurse said, Ranboo slumped down on the chair before sitting up from the sharp sudden pain.

The principal walked in, she was upset yet relief, sorta surpsing Ranboo.

"Mr. Beloved, you have gotten into one of the worst fights I've seen in my years of working here.." she said, Ranboo rolled his eyes, he felt extremely weak before realizing his mask was gone.

Ranboo decided to disrupt, "Excuse me, sorry to chirp in but where's my mask since I have-" "Its getting washed and disinfected. It will be given to you in a moment now pay attention." She said, Ranboo felt relief over his body but decided to finally pay attention.

"Ranboo, I will not only suspen you and Tom for a week from this. But you will be excuse for 5 days after due to your injuries." She said finally, making Ranboo upset yet excited, it meant more time with Reaper..

Ranboo's mask was handed back and he placed it over his face just as Ophelia rushed in and hugged him.

"My god what happened, one moment you were fighting the next they had to carry you out with a full stab on your waist!" She said loudly, it was obvious she was worried yet Ranboo just sighed.

He looked over at the other covered bed, there was another person and nobody needed to tell him who it was.

"How's your beating you circus jock bitch!" Ranboo spat, only to get a 'fuck off' reasons from Tom, it somehow made Ranboo genuinely laugh.

Ophelia on the other hand wasn't laughing, she saw the seriousness of this meanwhile Ranboo was using humor to cope and ignore the seriousness.

"Hey, Ophie, you won't see me for a good week and five days.." Ranboo said nervously, she looked down at him, she knew why. "You've been suspended haven't you." She said in a tired tone, face palming before Ranboo laughed.

As they talked a bit, Ophelia headed back to class and Aimsey came to pick him up, "So who won?" Was the first thing she said instead of "are you okay?"

Ranboo proudly decided he won and pointed at himself as they left the building. "You know who won, the taller the advantage!" Ranboo said in a sassy tone.

Even after everything, he was able to still have a laugh..but that will all end when Reaper arrives and finds out.

(1085 words let's go!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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