Chapter Twenty-Four

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Sunday, 27th March 2022

Unseasonably mild and bright in the early Spring sunshine, Harry and Eloise have enjoyed a lovely few days up in Holmes Chapel.

Aside from catching up with Anne after her holiday to South Africa, they're also keen to make the most of their last real chance to relax before the madness officially kicks up a gear.

Not to suggest it hasn't been busy already...

A palpable sense of excitement has been brewing since the launch of the mysterious You Are Home accounts over a week ago.

Then, on Wednesday, Harry released a teaser video and some album imagery, announcing the May 20th release.

He headed to the Cotswolds for a Better Homes & Gardens cover shoot with Tim Walker. Returning home with some straw still in his hair, he'd been espousing on the architecturally designed farmhouse and sprawling grounds, musing that perhaps their long-mooted private idyll might not need to be quite as remote as the Outer Hebrides.

He then spent a fair few hours the next day with Lou Stoppard - the journalist for the accompanying interview. After visiting Parliament Hill lido for a chilly dip and then warming up in a nearby café, he brought her back to the house for some privacy. On their way downstairs to chat in his studio, it was hard to avoid the crew already setting up.

The Eon publicity team commandeered the kitchen, overseeing Eloise's shoot and interview for her Vogue cover - due to hit newsstands to coincide neatly with Bond's cinematic release. So top-secret, they only ventured as far as their garden - but, hey, at least it was convenient.

The rest of her week proved just as glamorous, with a busy couple of days of fittings with her new stylist, Sinead, plus another few interviews for long-lead publications.

Heading up the M1 and then the M6 on Friday afternoon, they'd both breathed a sigh of relief, looking forward to some relative calm.


After a relaxing couple of days at Anne's - well, as much as it ever can be, with three one-year-olds charging around - they headed to her brother's family home for a big brunch to celebrate Mother's Day and Matty's thirtieth birthday tomorrow.

Harry's been in a mood since they arrived.

With his other cousin's daughter just six months old, the house is far from baby-proofed.

He, Eloise, Gemma, Michal, and Anne have all been crashing into each other, abandoning conversations and dodging bodies to chase after Dylan, Freya, and Mylo. Trying to keep the peace, they've already rescued candlesticks, ornaments, remote controls, a letter opener, and drinks aplenty.

The poor old cat is less than impressed.

"Ahhh!" Harry hisses. "Dylan, no! I told you." Snatching him up, he stalks into the kitchen, leaving a trail of raised eyebrows in his wake.

With a weary sigh, Eloise hands Freya to Anne to head after them.

Rinsing his hand under the tap, Harry scolds Dylan on his hip. "Look what happens when you don't listen! This is your fault."

Eloise takes their teary, remorseful son whilst checking Harry's hand.

Lulled into a false sense of security thanks to Anne's three placid girls, the grumpy tabby lashed out. It drew blood, snagging Harry's right thumb from the corner of the nail bed, down to the sensitive webby bit. It must sting like hell, but at least his lightning-fast reflexes meant old Rufus caught him, rather than Dylan. He has thicker skin - literally, if not figuratively.

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