Chapter One: The Beginning of it All

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That's what greeted the terrified residents of Ebott at three in the morning.

Most of them were asleep by then… well WERE. But others, like our dear human friend here, are trying to stay stable on her feet from the apparent bomb that went off. Was just walking home from the graveyard shift at the convenience store where she worked. But right now, she has other pressing matters. LIKE RUNNING FOR HER LIFE BACK TO HER APARTMENT!!!!


I was just having the usual crappy day at my job. With one of my coworkers calling in "sick" and me being yelled at by my boss to take her shift till she's better…. I was just trying to make ends meet with my bills. So I had no choice. At least I got one of those microwavable ready meals when I finished!!!! But that isn't what I should be talking about… how about… oh yeah! Running for my life back to my apartment from the apparent bomb that went off without tripping over my own two feet!

While the residents were running towards where it went off… I went the opposite direction. And tried my best not to bump into anyone that was filming what was happening at the mountain behind me.

Ya see, I "moved" to the quiet little town of Ebott that sits somewhere around the border of the U.S. and Canada a few years back. With their infamous mountain as their main focus for tourism. They say that the town and the mountain itself is over 300 years old and has a LOT of rumors surrounding it. But right now, I, Hayley Corren, a twenty three year old woman, am now scrambling up the stairs to my apartment building. The aftershocks weren't helping in the slightest.

I finally managed to make it to my apartment and fumbled with the lock until it "clicked" and let me in. I slammed the door shut, completely disregarding my neighbors complaints about the noise.

'A bomb just went off! And you're cursing me out about a slamming door?! Hah!'

I tried to get the power to the rooms to turn on but all I got was flickering lights. I tried everything else to see if it worked. Luckily the plumbing and the building's internet service was still working. I breathed a sigh of relief…

That was until I turned around and saw a massive black puffball with green eyes looking at me eerily calm. It made my heart jump to my mouth till I reminded myself that I had a cat and dog with me.

"Ah… geez Leroy! You scared the crap outta me! Again…" I held my rapidly beating heart in my chest with my hand while the cocky feline seemed to purr and meow in delight at my distress. Apparently he gets a kick out of scaring the crap out of not only me but everyone that dares comes his way. Which wouldn't be hard since the cat is a maincoon mix and he has that Addam's Family aura and personality.

I honestly should've named him Gomez or Fester. But I didn't want to jinx myself. It'll only make him stronger… you know like how you say a ghost's name a certain amount of times till they appeared? Yeah…

Leroy sauntered his way over calmly and gently pawed at leg and gestured to where I kept the catnip. I rolled my eyes.

"Only you would ask for kitty drugs in the middle of what appears to be the beginning of a war."

He simply blinked a few times nonchalantly as if to say to me, "Yep! Same shit as always!"

I gave him his demand and fed him a little bit of can food sprinkled with some catnip. And he chowed down on it like it was his last meal… which in this case, it might be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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