22: clo seg ate

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~should i stay or should i go - the clash~

AFTER MIKE HAD SUGGESTED THEY USE WILL, Hopper had gone out to the shed to see what they had to work with

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AFTER MIKE HAD SUGGESTED THEY USE WILL, Hopper had gone out to the shed to see what they had to work with. When he returned, he recruited the help of everybody else.

Now, Jennifer was gathering tarps with Jonathan while Nancy and Steve taped them up in the shed. How they ended up in those pairings, she didn't know.

Nancy had been watching Jennifer and Steve interact ever since they had reunited and she wanted to ask one of them about it. She couldn't be mad, obviously, considering what had happened with Jonathan.

"Hey," she said, looking up at Steve. "What you did, um, helping the kids... that was... really cool,"

Steve glanced down at Nancy before looking back up at the tarp, shrugging his shoulders. "Yeah, well, I couldn't have really done it without Jen," he admitted. "The little shits are real trouble, you know?"

Nancy watched the boy for a minute longer before turning back to the tape strips she had on the wall.

"Speaking of Jen..." she started, causing Steve's eyes to widen slightly. "What's going on with you two?"

Steve shrugged his shoulders before putting another staple into the tarp. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Steve, you don't have to play dumb," Nancy said, rolling her eyes playfully. "I've noticed,"

Steve stopped stapling for a second and sighed, turning away from the wall. He looked down at the girl with a frown.

"Okay, yeah, maybe there's something there," he admitted. "Can I ask you if it's okay? Cause, you know considering we just broke up and she's your best friend and all-,"

"Steve, it's fine, really," Nancy cut him off, a small smirk on her face. "You guys are cute,"

Steve's frown spread into a small smile as he took the piece of tape from Nancy, nodding his head.

"Oh, and I'm sorry," Nancy added. "You know, about how things ended,"

Steve shrugged his shoulders while fiddling with the tarp ahead of him. "It's fine, Nance," he admitted. "You might want to apologize to Jen, though,"

As if on cue, Jennifer appeared at the door, a few more tarps in her hands and a smile on her face.

"Tarps!" she exclaimed, walking over to Steve.

"Speak of the devil," Steve muttered, glancing at Nancy. "Why don't you help Nancy with this?" he asked.

Jennifer began to shake her head but was unsuccessful when Steve shoved the stapler into her hands and left the shed. Jen glanced at Nancy for a second before moving the ladder over and deciding to tackle the bare wall.

"Here's some tape," Nancy said, handing the girl a strip.

"Thanks," Jen mumbled, avoiding eye contact with the girl.

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