I Think I'm Falling For You♥; Chapter 4

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Josh's Point Of View

I woke up and glanced at the digital clock hanging on my wall. The neon red numbers flashed '1:35' on the clock. I looked out the window and saw Alexis cuddled up in her bed. I debated whether or not to wake her, but I just wanted to hold her. I finally made up my mind, and I tied the rope later on the nail on the wall. I climbed down it, step by step.

I walked across my yard, debating whether or not this would seem creepy, but she's my best friend, so of course not. I walked up to her window and whispered, "Al?" but there was no answer.

I carefully climbed into the window, and I walked over to her bed.


But she didn't answer. I carefully lifted the covers, and I slid into the bed next to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her against my body, and I buried my head in her neck. She moved a little, and let out a gasp. I knew she was awake.

"Who-Who's there?"

"Shh, Alex." I whispered into her neck, my eyes still closed.

I felt her body relax for a second before it rolled over. Her face was in mine, and I opened my eyes.

"What the hell--"

"I know,"

"Why are you--"

"Just go back to sleep,"

"No. Why are you here?"

"I wanted to make sure you were OK."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You know, you could just stop fighting this."

"Or, you could stop breaking into my house."

"Alexis," I mumbled, and she sighed.

"Sorry, Joshy."

"You really should just relax,"

"Alright," she whisperd, closing her eyes again.

I laid there, her face looked peaceful, and she rolled over again. Her back pressed against my chest, and I buried my face in her amazing hair. Apples. My favorite. My eyes ajusted to the light, and I scanned her room for her weapon. My eyes scanned her hot pink walls, and the wall where all of her best photography pictures were surrounding a giant picture of the two of us last summer on the beach.

I continued to scan the room, and I smiled when my eyes inspected the trophies in the corner. There was one for best writer. There was one for strongest girl on the softball team. There was one for best volleyball player, and one for most improved in soccer. That was something I had always loved about Alex, yet hated at the same time. She played tons of sports, yet she never stuck with them for more than a season.

I looked over her desk. The lamp that was pink and fuzzy. The zebra-print notebook with the hot pink words written across: My Life. I hesitated, but decided that it wouldn't be right for me to read through that. And then I saw it. The razor. It was taped together down the middle from where I snapped it in two.

"Alexis, turn over." I growled, and she did as she was told.

Tears filled my eyes, and I just stared at her.

"I had to," She whispered.

"You didn't." I told her, trying to convince myself that.

"I did,"

"How could you?"

"I was upset about my grandma."

"I didn't take my eyes off of you all night."

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