Chapter 1: Prologue

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The sun was high in the sky as a cool summer breeze blew causing the trees to dance in the wind. It been the first time in a long time it was peaceful without any fear of fights. No fear for hunters, rogues, and anything else that could cause a harm.

People were happy and bright. Children laughing and running around in both human and wolf form. Everything felt as if a piece of the puzzle was fit into place and everything was right.

Despite the calm atmosphere I could help the anxiety gnawing at my toes as sweat coughed my palms. My heart pounded my chest as thought raced through my mind faster that a bullet.

Today it's my eighteenth birthday and for my kind it's a special day. The day should meet my "mate" or the guy my father choose to mate me with to hold the peace, and being the alpha's daughter I understand I have to hold the peace between the packs for our kids sake.

Today I should be happy, jumping around like a little kid on Christmas, getting my hair done and my mother doing my make-up, but instead I feel like a empty shell, cold with no emotion. I've felt like a shell for 8 years now, pain and grief biting at my heart, year after year getting worse and worse as the days past that she's gone.

Every birthday was hell all over again, a mere reminder for the events that happen. The pain hitting me like a wrecking ball, slamming into my heart, shattering it like glass with every reminder of her.

Of my mother. My angel in disguise.


The radio blasted as we drove down the highway. I had a smile lighting up my face as I bounced around in the seat of my moms car.

My moms angelic laugh filled the air. It was one of those laughs that you just had to laugh along with. She looked like a angel that day with her blonde hair pulled to the side showing her mate mark that had a wolf howling at the full moon. In the moon was my fathers name, so neatly written.

I remember looking over into the woods that I loved and knew, but these woods looked wrong, polluted almost. The trees dead and the air smelled of decaying flesh. Shadows larked in the trees. Their blood red eyes glowing, teeth with blood dripping in view.

I kept tapping the window repeatedly telling my mother to look. Fear consumed me as the figures ran along side us in the woods, shielded from the human eyes, but I could see them as clear as day. I kept yelling and shouting for her to look, just a glance and she would see, but all she did was shrug her shoulders, keeping her eyes on the road as she said it was wolves hunting, nothing to worry about.

But worry we should have. As soon as she said that, an unknown force rammed into the car sending it flying into the air a great distance. The sound of breaking glass, crushing metal, screams and cries filled my ears. Everything was fuzzy, I couldn't see or hear what was happened. After what felt like hours my vision and hearing came back to me. Boy do I wish it didn't.

I felt tears form in my eyes as a throbbing pain shot through my left arm, left leg and the right side of my head. My vision was blurry but I could make out my mothers faint figure. I unbuckled my seat making my fall on my head as the car was upside down. I crawled over to my mother, winching as the broken pieces of glass scrapped across my eight year old body.

I looked at her and saw that she had a big wound along her stomach with a big piece of glass sticking out of her. A trail of blood ran down her face to her jaw and onto the car. I followed to trail of blood and lifted the hair, revealing a single bullet hole.

The veins on her neck black as night as her skin paled by the second. Only once had i ever seen a wound like this. In books in school, realization dawned on me as I gasped and cried, frantically shaking my mother, hoping, wishing this was a nightmare.

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