Chapter 2: New Alpha

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I woke up to the sweet smell of food in the morning was sure enough the way to go. The sweet aroma making my tummy grumble as I sniffed the air, I smiled as I ran down stairs into the kitchen.

When I got into the kitchen I ran into the sweet, mouth-watering aroma of Mary's famous chocolate pancakes that everyone in my pack loves and is also my favorite. (Mary's my fathers wife that he married 8 years after my mothers death).

"Blaire can you please go wake up Bell and Anna for me?" Mary's sweet, caring voice said to me. It reminded me of my mother so much and I smiled at the thought as I skipped up stairs. Sally and Anna are my half sisters that are both 6 years old. They always find a way to bring a smile to your face no matter has or had happened and they always cause trouble as well.

I opened the door to their room and laughed as I saw the two girl laying across the bed, hanging off the edge as the snored clearly not ready to wake up. I smiled at the two, I loved them so much and I couldn't help but be grateful for them as well.

After an hour of I finally got the girls to get up and dresses for the day. Granted I had to chase the girls around for a while until Mary called the girls into the kitchen.

Once I walked into the kitchen I was greeted with a wet nose "ROSIE!" I shouted excitedly. But if Rosie was here then that meant that he was here as well.

" Hello sis," I looked up to see my brother Ryan standing next to me father, a big smile plaster onto him face, before I knew it I was launching myself at Ryan, arms open wide as tear of joy fell from my eyes,"I missed you so much Ryan," I whispered into his ear as my legs where wrapped around him waist as my arms were wrapped around his neck.

After a few moments, I was still in Ryan's arms but he set my down when we heard someone clear their throat and turned to be greeted by my father "Happy Birthday sweetheart," I think I was smiling ear to ear because my whole family was here, although my mother isn't here on earth in body form I know she'll always be in my heart.

"Thanks daddy," he kissed my forehead then went over to get some food and grabbed the newspaper and started to read. I couldn't help notice the headlines on the front page.                    

"Today, February 26 a new alpha, Ace Minton, has been chosen for the Dark Knight pack in the north," The title read as I looked closely to the picture of a man shaking hands with the head member of the council.   The new alpha looked........  familiar in a way that confused me as I raked my mind for any indication that I could remember this man.

I must have been in deep thought because Mary glanced at me with a worried look and I leaped to her I was okay and went to help myself to some pancakes.

After a long day of celebrating, I was worn out and tired as I slowly walked up the stairs groaning. I felt like a zombie, I was so slow and tired.

Once I got to my room I fell onto my soft bed and in second of my head hitting the pillow I was out like a light.

I dreamed a dream that left me confused as I thought it over. It was still fresh in my mind as it plays over and over again like a song on replay.

Everything was clear. The tough texture of the bark used for the old swing I was sitting on. The wind blowing my hair around as the leaves danced in the wind. I remember what I was thinking about. The fact my mother’s been gone for two years now and not even a year after her passing he was already dating someone else. Sure she’s nice and all, but no one can replace the mother that I lost.

Ryan left a few months ago with his mate, who's the alpha's daughter of the pack to the east of us. I don't get to see or talk to him anymore since he has alpha duty and every time I called his snobby mate picks up and tells me to stop calling. I don't think she knows I'm Ryan's sister yet, but I thought she would have gotten some of that when Ryan had me be the flower girl at his wedding last year, but the woman thinks I'm trying to steal Ryan away, yet Ryan is like 9 years older than me.

I know now that she knows Ryan is my older brother because last years a few months after his wedding he came back to the pack for my birthday and he properly introduced me and his mate. The look in her eyes when she found out I was his little sister was priceless, she looked horrified because she couldn't see the familiar resemblance with Ryan and I. She begged for forgiveness and I told her not to sweat it. (Link to Ryan's mate's expression at the bottom).

I felt so left out now, because Ryan had his mate, my father had Mary, and I had no friends because none of them wanted to truly be my friends and the ones that were my friends I didn't talk too much after I started to isolated myself away from everyone after my mothers death.

I have spent every waking moment on something I could find on her killer, but so far I had nothing. I still haven't told anyone about my findings with the bullet hole and I don't want to because I know that my father and Ryan will go back int0o depression because her dying was hard enough but knowing she was murdered with only make it worse so I've kept it to myself.

I had not even realized I wasn't alone any more until I heard a twig snap and my eyes shoot up to met with crystal blue eyes and jet black hair.

I felt my wolf stir in me, but I didn't really notice as I got lost in his eyes, but the thing was he had that same eyes and hair as the new alpha, but he also looked so different. Maybe I should stop thinking for a while, its starting to drive me crazy.

I closed my eyes again, but a question popped into my head. Will I ever see those eyes again and who was that boy?



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