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Isabella pov

I turned away before facing two shadows looming over me easily, the two men earned Edward's attention, our faces flushed. "Sorry, gentlemen, I won't be needing you anymore." Edward stated.

"Aro wishes to speak with you again," a deep voice had spoken.

The six foot seven muscular vampire stood apart from the gifted tracker. "We should take this conversation to an appropriate place." The tall paper skinned guy brought out a thin red jacket.

I didn't pay attention to anything else till a petite girl with crimson red eyes intervened, "Enough." Her hood fell revealing her blond locks in a tight neat bun. "Jane.." Edward seemed afraid, his head hung low; I locked eyes with hers and lowered mine in understanding. "Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." She turned as Edward took the jacket and slipped it on as we walked behind the dominant individual as the other two trailed us.

Kailee pov

My eyes landed on the opening door, as a familiar short stature walked through the heavy double doors.

"Sister, they sent you out to get one and you come back with two, and a half. Such a clever girl." Alec consoled his sister, they both stood on master Caius' side.

I stood beside Yvette on master Marcus' side. Eyeing Yvette, our newest addition, she's mated to Felix Volturi, our muscle. I'm mated to the witch twin himself, Alec Volturi. Besides the point, I focused only on Yvette.

"What a happy surprise." I changed my focus to master Aro.

"Bella is alive after all, isn't that wonderful?" Master Aro said with enthusiasm at its finest. Yvette lowly growled and leaned forward, I could see Felix preparing to stop her attempt, his vision only on her.

"I love a happy ending." He broke the intertwined hands and took Edward's with an exhale.

A face full of realization formed on Aro's face as he breathed an unnecessary breath. "La tua cantante." Master whispered turning to the supposed problem responsible of Edward Cullen's current state. "It appeals to you so much, makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?"

"It's not without difficulty." Edward stated.

"Yes I can see that." Aro laughed, Edward informed the human of Master's gift.

"Now get on with it." The foolish Cullen snatched his hand back, I hissed at him till Aro raised a hand. "You're quite a soul reader yourself, Edward, though you can't read Bella's thoughts."

He eyed the human suspiciously, "Fascinating. I would love to see if you're an exception to my gift as well. Would you do me the honor?" He outstretched his hand.

She slowly lifted her free hand to him before Aro hungrily tried to search her mind. His blank expression was the answer, "Hm. I see nothing." I abandoned the idea of trying to control the human, seeing as my master hadn't been capable of seeing her every thought.

"I wonder if, let us see if she is immune to all our powers, shall we Jane?" Aro turned his head to the eldest witch twin, I locked eyes with my mate. My poker face turned into a slightly amused expression before turning back.

Edward let out a 'no' and was now writhing in pain on his knees, I cringed at his expression.

The annoying protests of the mortal made me want to control her to shut up very badly until Alec held her from moving. I frowned and glared at the human with all my might.

"Jane." Aro responded to the human's squabbling. Jane released the hell on Edward, "Yes Master."

"Go ahead, my dear." Aro allowed Jane to torture the mortal,

Jane sadistically smiled. "This may hurt just a little." Her intense stare made me think that the mortal was a shield.

Master's laugh echoed in the throne room, "She confounds is all." He turned to me before approaching him and lending him my hand;

"Thank you for confirming that, my dear." We both exchanged a nod.

Master called Felix to finish her off. I smiled slightly, Alec let go of her and spun her toward Felix's figure. I was gonna witness a major human death with my own eyes, Edward started attacking the brute and there was a full on battle. Just as Edward was lifted up by the neck I was in front of them. Felix lowered Edward for him to stand but kept a grip on his neck as I touched his back, making him freeze.

I backed away as Felix made Edward kneel in front of Aro, till the human started crying out to kill her instead of her mate.

It was brave of her but I still didn't like my own mate touching her.

"How extraordinary. You would give up your life for someone like us, a soulless monster." I flashed a glare at the mortal. "You don't know a thing about his soul."

Aro spoke in Italian. "This is a sadness, if only it were your intention to give her immortality."

He was about to bite her and inject her with venom till Alice Cullen interfered, "Wait. She'll be one of us, I've seen it. I'll turn her myself."

"To see an event before it has happened." Aro looked over at Isabella Swan "Your gift will make for an intriguing immortal." My frown deepened and I was officially pissed off. "Go now, make your preparations." Aro waved them off, I tightened my fists and turned away.

"Let us be done with this. Heidi will arrive any moment, thank you for your visit." Marcus stood from his throne.

I bit my lip as hard as I can, anger forming in my head. "Return your favor, I advise you follow through with your promise. The Volturi don't give second chances." Caius stated.

Yvette finally let go of her dress, Felix stroking her cold fingers.

Alec had appeared beside me and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Amore mio, don't be mad. I'd never touch a human in that way." I slowly calmed down as he pecked my shoulder and hugged me from behind and fed me compliments.

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