Chapter 5 - The Druid's Secret

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After the death of King Gaprone almost fifteen years after the War of Flames his son Eriez was named as the new King, ruler of the realms of Colltalios.

Eriez was a tall slim man with shoulder-length slicked back brown hair, much like his father in his younger days, and like his father Eriez was bold and confident.

Almost a year after his coronation he took Princess Lena to be his queen. The shy and timid girl didn't have much choice in the matter. With her father named the new commander of the Royal Arms of Chillington it was easy to see why Eriez would seek a girl of high stature.

As a bargaining gesture, he soon made Lena ruler of this army, having her own personal army and guards would maybe make her feel safer in the king's company.

As the months passed Queen Lena grew more confident in her role, her father was very proud to see his daughter as the highest-ranked lady in Chillington. Even if it meant bowing to her demands as his ruler.

But on this certain sunny day the proud father was worried about his next meeting with his daughter in the royal throne room.

He approached the thrones inside the stone hall. His daughter sat on the throne alongside her husband Eriez. He stood in front of the Royal rulers and bowed.

"Sir Alfred Jeffers, what news do you bring?" Queen Lena spoke.

"Your highness, I bring bad news, two of our soldiers in the West have not reported back."

Lena looked across to Eriez who rolled his eyes,

Lena turned back to her father, "And when were they supposed to return Sir Jeffers?"

"Yesterday your highness, but I have two more men ready to leave, they were supposed to swap over upon the others returning."

King Eriez huffed and smiled; Lena seemed disgruntled by her husband's snide reaction but she dared not question him.

Sir Jeffers could sense his daughter's frustration and spoke out "Eriez I know you do not approve of our dealings with the West but...."

"Father!" Queen Lena halted him mid-sentence.

"Sir Jeffers please address my husband with some respect."

"It's quite alright Lena, your father is absolutely correct, but just like my father Sir Jeffers knows keeping peace in the West keeps them under our rule and on our side, it's just that it seems of late your Royal Arms are getting a little sloppy in their work."

"Apologies Your Highness, I can have my men sort this out straightaway." replied Sir Jeffers.

"Sir Jeffers, I will have my finest booksman head over to the West." Queen Lena added,

"Booksman? What good will that do my dear?" Eriez chuckled.

"Niphan is the finest most knowledgeable man in all these lands; if people have gone missing, I guarantee he will find them."

Sir Jeffers responded gratefully. "Thank you, your highness, I shall let my men know, they shall be at the Jester and Knave, the same place our men were staying."

Sir Jeffers immediately sent two soldiers on horseback to the West, the journey was long and with storms brewing the rain made the dirt tracks hard to ride along, even at a steady canter it was still a four-hour journey on a good day.

They would arrive in Dalwood mid-afternoon and begin their duties immediately.

Meanwhile, Niphan Guilds was a polite and intelligent man, he worked at Chillington castle as the Queen's advisor and booksman, and his duties involved helping the queen with personal and royal matters. His knowledge was extended as he would read books of all natures; working in the royal library daily.

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