Chapter 8 - A Message to the King

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By the year 814 things had settled in the lands.

People no longer feared dragon attacks and the realms had got used to a world without monsters.

But a world without monsters would soon breed its own form of terror.

Humans were quickly becoming the new monsters of the lands. With nothing to fear divides would quickly generate a new terror, a new enemy... each other.

King Gaprone was now an old man who controlled the entire mainland; his armies had spread far and wide, and even the north bowed its head.

Although now at the age of seventy King Gaprone was still the most feared man in the realms.

His vast army was ruthless under his orders; no one could deny the king nor could they question him.

The beastmen of the North were nothing more than slaves.

Lord Zartagen watched over his men who were no better than prisoners within the city walls, occasionally he was allowed to leave and meet with his leader, the rhino-faced Elder Lord Balaktor.

Balaktor never had a good word to say about King Gaprone, he had always felt that the War of the Flames was unnecessary, hence his lack of cooperation or presence.

Sir Gargario Venerstias, a late forties male was the chief commander of the North.

With much disapproval he led his large army of men into whatever crusades the king would order.

With the Fernastian Forest dominating much of the southern lands there wasn't much to rule; small towns like Solchase and Koval never really put up much of a fight.

The once deadly Swords Road was now relatively quiet. There were brief encounters with the Necrias who was the only troublesome group in the South.

This group of people were deadly assassins; swords for hire so to speak. No one knows who they are or where they came from, but they formed not long after the Great War.

Some people suggest that they are soldiers from all different realms.

Seeking justice and purpose; they formed an alliance so strong that every previous attempt to bring them down had failed.

The only renegades in the west were the Knights of the West. A self-proclaimed group of rebels, far less dangerous or as secretive as the Necrias.

This was a well-known group of former princes and lords, banished for their dishonour in the early years of the aftermath of the war.

Lower down in the west lay Dalwood. A well-kept town that presided on a steep incline.

Last but by no means least, came the ever-faithful elves of the East. King Jodfelli was still a close friend of King Gaprone, they had their differences but they never turned into anything sour.

It was fair to say that during his reign King Gaprone made very few friends but made many foes.

And although allies were scattered across the lands not many of them were indeed trustworthy.

Queen Serafin was the King's faithful wife; she was almost nineteen years younger than Gaprone but was just as ruthless as her husband.

Her powers over the realms were just as strong; so be it a brave man to stand up and back answer her.

And at a time when their children were growing up into the future kings and queens of these lands, came a time of struggle and chaos.

It was the 15th of Haparel in the year 814 and Goblins had become the latest target for the Royal Arms, although they came from far southern islands it had now become a primary mission to seek out and destroy them.

Dragon's Reclaim - The Book of Tremor Part OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant