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I was kinda stuck.

So I was in this weird black and slimy place, it was round and tiny.


I found out that I am probably in the process of being born, which means I am in the belly of my new mother.

How did find out? Well from the outside you could hear cooing of people so I just put the pieces together and got it.

Why can't I just be spawned in a forest like in most of these fanfictions? Because Kami-Sama is an asshole and wants this too quote on quote: "make sense"

I am literally only thinking in my head, I don't think I have developed my mouth yet.

I couldn't really do much, so I decided to kick the inside of the stomach.

Giggles could be heard from the outside, and some words that sounded like:

"Look, the baby is kicking"


A few months have passed, if my estimations are correct. Cause I have started counting seconds, bc i got so bored.

I couldn't even sleep!!

Suddenly a few noises from the outside got louder.

"What's happening," I thought.

"Could it be that I am being born already?!"

Abruptly a strong force tugged me downwards, and my head started getting squeezed. First my head came out, then the rest of my body.

It took a massive toll on my me, and when I was finally out, someone slapped my ass.

At first, I was like "What the fuck" until realized that this was normal, to make sure a baby is breathing.

"Congratulations, Miss you have a healthy baby boy"

I started crying, for whatever reason. And soon fell asleep.


After a while i woke up in a crib, and a message appeared before me.

[Congratulations, you have been born 🎉]

[To celebrate you will get a little starter



You have acquired:

•10 Skill points

•The Title: Little Cloud (for more information say Character-Status)

•A mysterious book (Locked)


I wanted to ask the System a question, but only "Bla bub be ba" came from my mouth.

𝙲𝙻𝙾𝚄𝙳𝚈 𝙷𝚄𝚁𝚁𝙸𝙲𝙰𝙽𝙴 ⇢ Transported into NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now