Broken Promise

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  • Dedicated to Aaliyah and Caden

Dedicated to Aaliyah and Caden <3

I broke my promise to you,

I'm sorry but tis true.

I was feeling so low,

And the urge always grows.

But you aren't old enough to know.

Your innocence is already gone

And you know that you should belong,

You've seen too many fights for your age

And your mom stomping around in a rage.

You shake it off like little kids do,

It's not fair what they're doing to you,

You don't even realize,

That you're stronger than them in my eyes.

With all the hell they put you through,

You still have the strength to smile,

And for the record, you're far better than me too.

But for you I'll try to make this life worthwhile.

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