I Shall Remain

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This pain, it just won't end,

Long days and endless nights

Are growing old, as is my time.

Sinking below sea level,

Drowning in that neverending blue.

At the same time, burning in my

Own personal Hell.

It doesn't end.

On my hands and knees I pray

The silence remains.

My mouth opens to scream,

But no words prevail.

They come out in a whisper

With no one to hear.

Still Sinking.

Still Burning.

No one listening.

I take my time

With the sharp blade of the knife.

Far from home.

With nowhere to go.

No one to turn to.

Wishing it was my time,

Hoping for another chance.

Never enough.

Still Sinking.

Still Burning.

No one listening.

Trying to break through barriers,

And tearing down walls

To rebuild them around my

Sewn shut heart.




Not in my vocabulary.

Screaming silently.

Glistening blades.

Still SInking.

Still Burning.

No one caring.

Hating myself

For everything I've done.

I die everyday,

And I cry every night.

In this deep hue of blue

And in the fiery pits of Hell,

I shall remain.

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