Chapter 2

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Zipp waved at everpony she smiles nervously and everypony was cheering and happy their pegapad on her she gulped at this she never expected this many crowds she saw Hitch he winked at her with a smile she smiled then clear her throat and said:" good day everypony and thank you for coming today for this special moment as you know this is the anniversary of us ponys Pegasus, unicorns and earth ponys that fault against Borog army and followers but we found out they weren't the enemies and by that three Troggles planned to stop Borog and they did and with that we will celebrate these Troggles in memory  of Moro, Morack and also Frondo these Troggles help saved equestria and we are in forever in there dept...

Dark Castle

Baron rub his staff up and down he heard a knock on his room door he spoke come in Misty

Misty walks in slowly and said:" oh am I interrupting Baron

Baron spoke calmly:" no my dear I'm just getting ready my dear 

Misty saw a old spell book she notice Baron glance at her he spoke:" you haven't gotten your cutie mark I see

Misty nods her head and said:" yeah and that's what I always wanted 

Misty notice Baron looks at her and said:" cutie marks that is what twilight sparkle saw with her * quoting his hooves* "magic of friendship" Magic is untamed young filly and that's why your dear mother doesn't understand my rules  to stop it 

Misty gulped and said:" I see

Baron got to his hooves and spoke coldly:" and if you tell her what I plan on doing my dear you better hope we don't cross to that alright

Misty nodded and said:" yes sir

Baron smiled and said:" good now take me to maretime bay I want to see this wild magic

Baron turns and looks at the tv and watch as the crowd  cheered and flap their wings with Zipp waving at them he chuckled and said:" my my have they growned

* Maretime bay*

Pipp was walking and saw on the tv Zipp she smiles as other ponies gathered at the tv looking at Zipp talking she notice a navy blue unicorn watching the tv as well she gasp and smiled and said:" Misty hey 

Misty turned and nervously spoke:" Oh hey Zipp... Oh I mean Pipp ha ha

Pipp smiled and said:" ha don't worry happens sometimes but still your here that's great we haven't seen you around here lately

Misty rubbed the back of her head and said:" oh Ah yeah that's because I was a little busy ahhhh * sweats nervously* going on a trip 

Pipp gasp and said:" oh my pony really that amazing what is it call 

Misty chuckled and said:" oh it was a tour of um ah

Baron nightmane:" Ah Misty their you are 

Pipp saw a older stallion his eyes deep aqua eyes and elderly mane that did need a touch up spoke coming up behind her he smiled at Pipp and said:" oh you must be Pipp the late queen Haven youngest daughter correct

Pipp smiled and said:" that me and you are 

Baron smiled at her and said:" I am Baron Nightmane from the late palace of king Diomedes and I'm the resident care taker of the home 

Pipp raised her eyebrow and said:" Diomedes what that or who

Baron smiled and said:" oh well it were ponies like Canterlot had marvelous teachings by dear twilight herself but by a earth pony named Diomedes a earth pony that just wanted to learn about magic itself 

Pipp gasp and said:" really that's so cool 

Baron smiled and said:" yes indeed and Misty here has told me about how magic is back in Equestria and I must say its welcoming 

Pipp smiled and said to Misty:" so how was it 

Misty smiled and said:" well it was very interesting and hard to describe and well...

Baron spoke in:" here have my contacts of a booking

Pipp saw a mountain it did had snow but she saw the castle it look new and amazing and in the ground as well she smiled and said:" wow thanks 

Baron smiled and said:" do visit my dear if their anything of need of help with my castle has more book's of your knowledge 

Pipp was still at aw then she saw Misty and Baron leave she said:" oh have fun Misty and thank you Baron * trots away to go see Sunny and Izzy*

Baron saw MIsty eye lock rattle he spoke calmly:" ugh now she wondering about me coming here alright lets go to this hotel

* MareTime hotel*

Baron was looking at the drapes looking at the ponies walking the fillies playing how down hill this place is now and gave a disgusted look as he saw a pegasail flew by then he heard the angry ahem voice behind him

Baron didn't look at opaline cloud and said:" I only saw one pony and that's it but look at this wild magic fuming like a disease how pathetic and useless

Opaline growled:" your magic opinion  is  nothing to me Baron remember why you are here and why you still alive in this world for my benefit

Baron glance at her and said:" oh I do know Opaline I know more about everyone here but not this new generation of ponies so I toy with my prey a bit but now I want to know them more 

Opalne spoke:" your inviting them to your home land

Baron spoke calmly:" a incognito spell my dear but don't worry I won't harm them just knowing them A Ideal of a magic using pony and I promise I won't harm them much

Opaline grumbles then said:" fine then but you better not 

Baron smiles then watch's as opaline goes back to the necklace he smiles and said:" well then time to get to know these wild magic wielding ponies 

Misty smiles and said:" defiantly so

a knock came at the door as a green pony with a tea cutie mark came in and said:" oh im not interrupting right

Baron smiles and said:" no no come you have the raspberry, Ginger, pear, and pine needle tea I ordered

the tea pony nodded and place the tea down and said:" yes sir 

Baron smiled and said:" here you go my good fellow 

Baron place the tip of bits in his suit then the tea pony smiled and said:" thank you sir have a good day now 

Baron smiled and nodded his head and Misty watch the tea pony leave she look confused and said:" Tea really

Baron sip it and said:" Good for a old pony like me my dear 

Misty saw Baron drinks the tea he then place it down and said:" what a shame its cold

Misty notice the cup was cold looking and the tea was almost ice she gulped but Baron smiled and said:" but I do like it that way more * chuckle's evilly* now let the show begin 

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