Chapter 9

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Zipp dodge the arms of the Nuklavee she yelled:" how we get rid of this thing 

The Healer watches it and saw the horse part of the Nuklavee snorting and the Mountain watcher swinging it's arms at them The Healer said:" this thing is working by one body if we distract it from one part will be able to defeat it 

Hitch yelled:" and how we do that 

The Healer growled:" use your magic to grab the hands of it and I take care of the Horse

Hitch nodded his head he steps onto the ground and vines came out and grabs the arms of the Nuklavee Mountain Troggle arms the horse snorted and then felt in front of its head and large sharp pain as The Healer hits it 

The Nuklavee Mountain Troggle felt it as well and then roared its sowed mouth ripping apart as it let a loud ear splitting scream and The Healer covered it ears as the rest did 

The vines broke and the Nuklavee clutch itself as the back bone comes up it then screamed louder than ever 

Izzy yelled:" we have to do something about this thing

The Nuklavee arms retracted then spins around knocking over a bucket of water as it hit the ground the horse part of it was splashed on makings sizzling sounds from the skin and the horse part neigh in pain 

Sunny saw this then said:" water the weakness is water 

The Healer notices a water tower it looks back and yells:" do I again i make it to that tower go now 

Hitch nodded his head he touches the ground again and the vines grabbed the arms again The Healer jumps onto the roof and jumps at the water tower and breaks the wooden pole making the way tower fall

The Nuklavee looks back and screeches as the water hits it

Everypony came out and saw the arms fall off and lands on the ground 

The Healer looks down and saw the Mountain watcher body disintegrating slowly 

Pipp said:" is it..

The Healer spoke:" dead only one and that's the Grimm but the watcher is not

The mountain watcher body drags and looks at them and said:" Baron has the book you ponies will watch us take over for you are doomed the Hunt will destroy you all * turns to ashes of sand and starts crumbling away*

The Healer looks displeased by this Sunny saw this asked:" Um what did That mean of the Hunt

The Healer spoke coldly:" it means that we aren't safe now 

*Baron hideout*

A painful roar came from inside the dark room Baron opens a door and walks as he put his book down and walks to the laboratory window and watches as Warg was withering in pain as a metal leg was putting on the body the white blood mixture with the red, blue,yellow and orange of three different bodies of the Troggle's Baron spoke calmly:" don't worry my friend I am giving you a way of easily tracking of those that harmed you a true creature of power and a reason for revenge 

Warg roared in pain then lay down as the machine left the table rise up and the latches were taken off and Warg heard a metal clanging sound it looks down as the metal feet was showing it was tall and slim mostly about 9 ft in length it looks down and watch it robotic arm propelled then stopped and the other arm was connected to a small taser and then went back in as it raised up it arms two robotic arms came down then went back in 

Maro growled as it was being held down by Logar and a Watcher:" let me go what are you doing with me 

Maro was pushed down and then saw Warg and then said:" warg is that you what happened with u body it looks different 

Warg looks down and saw the tubes in it's stomach Warg then smiled and said:" I don't know but I feel powerful and stronger than before 

Maro growled and said:" You know what is your place warg you are always the weakest one you prove it but letting that  ground bound Troggle beat you us Mountain Troggle nobdy want u as a leader

Warg looks at its comrade and then Baron said calmly:" actually Maro Warg here is no longer a member of ur group Warg rather hunts "trophy's " now

Maro saw Warg flinch then stares at Maro and stood upright leaning over Maro and grab the mountain Troggle and Baron smiled and said:" Hunt dispatch this one 

Warg/ the Hunt takes it to a window Maro flaying and repeating the words no but the hunt toss it out the window as Maro yells as it land into the water 

The Hunt turns around and says:" more I want more

Baron smiled and said:" more of what 

The Hunt grows and said:" I want to hunt for more for my collection 

Baron raised his eyebrows and said:" You do as I tell you are  told to even they are dead or alive

The hunt growls and says fine tell me what I do 

Baron smiles then says:" go fetch me the former queen of Zephyr Heights and if anything get in your way dispatch them Troggle only ponies will be toss to the side

The Hunt growls and says:" ground pest when can I go through my revenge on these *teeth clicking* foolish beings

Baron spoke calmly as he turned:" follow me 

the Hunt follows Baron he saw a arena it had watchers, lesser Mountain troggles and some of Baron creations like the nuklavee and The Hunt saw another three of its kind 

the Hunt look intrested then Baron said:" if you can beat these four then your almost ready

The Hunt growled then jumps down and the three stood up 

Baron watch in intrest he looks down and then said" begin

the Hunt saw the 2nd Hunt ran at it then the rest followed The Hunt snarled then dodge the 2nd one and had its metal leg grab it and then slam it down hard the other two watch in shock so did the Hunt but then remember what it needed to do it looks at Baron 

Baron nod his head and watch as the Hunt smiled then pushed down as it saw the whitewater substance burst underneath it 

the other two backed away as the Hunt looks up seeing the fear it smiled

The Hunt looks at one of them then started running at it 

As the 4th one ran it raised it arm and taser it on the back then slash the 3rd one and then stab the 4th on the ground

Baron smiled then said:" good now one more thing

The Hunt touch the whitewater then smeared it on its arms and top chest it growled:" what 

Baron saw giant wings flapping it smiled then said:" you got to have your army

the Hunt looks up and saw giant wyverns flying high with a pony of dark armor with a horned helmet brought one of its wyvern down with it 

The Hunt slowly went to it and touched it then wyvern cooed then the Hunt touch the whitewater and press it made a fang sign it smiled then got on the saddle

Baron spoke calmly:" The Hunt you must get the Queen while the Horned King and his shadow's go and attack the Castle make sure you won't fail

The Hunt nodded its head as did the Horned King Baron smiled as he saw his beast fly away Baron went to Logar and said:" said it will work my friend now that its done we must make tea for our guest

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