Chapter 8

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Sunny sat down at the bench she saw Zipp pacing back and forth she spoke:" where's the train we need to go to canterlot and find out more about him or what he became 

Pipp spoke:" Zipp calm down your getting yourself work up

zipp glared at her and said:" Pipp I'm fine 

Pipp narrow her eyes and said:" fine you looked worse when we almost lost the unity crystals 

Zipp narrow her eyes and said:" and we might loose them again

Pipp Narrow her eyes and said:" Zipp we are all trying are best here if you tell us more then we can help you fine what's wrong

Zipp gritted her teeth and said:" What's wrong

Pipp looks shocked she see her sister angry before but not this angry before

Zipp stamps down her hoof and said:" you don't understand Baron wants every magic to be gone forever he wants a way to take our magic and if he does that we don't know what we can do to stop him he out their were ever he is and we can't do anything if we just stay here until the train comes and...

A long fingernail touch the tip of Zipp  head she shuffled and closed her eyes Hitch caught her and look and saw the healer 

the Healer spoke calmly:" do not freight she fine just resting but * pinch the finger and release it showing a line green hue with a purple flame* this is unsettling

Haven spoke with worriment:" what do u mean

The Healer spoke:" Baron study Nightmare of magic whatever she saw triggered it and now it was embedded inside her and now its out so just have her rest up she need it as she is to stress 

Hitch nodded his head

the Healer heard the Train horn coming and spoke:" if we make it towards your home will head to Canterlot the books will help us 

Izzy asked:" the book what do u mean

The Healer spoke:" Baron made study's of the creature's with his brother but when he was betrayed he made his own book is was called The Mirg tpircsunaM backwards it the Grim Manuscript were he can rise the power of the army of creatures beyond his control 

Izzy look worried and said:" that sounds bad 

Sunny spoke:" hopefully will get their in time

everypony nodded their head to agreement Hitch looks at Zipp and he heard her breathing he wished that he knew about this sooner Haven touched his shoulder then said:" were all worried about her but right now we need her to rest 

Hitch nodded his head in agreement but worriment still edge him will she really be ok

Few hours 

Zipp opens her eyes she heard the Train horn blows she heard a voice said:" don't move unless you need help 

Zipp looks and saw the Troggle Healer staring at her it spoke calmly:" you are to stress to be in this situation 

Zipp blinked and said:" what happened 

The healer spoke :" you past out you getting lots of stress on yourself 

Zipp asked:" How far was I out 

The healer said:" mostly a hour closer to Bridlewood we are

Zipp grunted and said:" Baron is still out their he is going to destroy our magic 

The healer spoke calmly:" I'm well aware of it but Baron is not alone and going and acting wild is  not the way 

Zipp looks at him then said:" you remind me of someone you came from

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