Chapter 1 - Untold Feelings

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*A/N* Hello there! If you haven't already read the description, this is my first PUBLISHED story, and I would appreciate some feedback! Hartsquared fanfic, written entirely in third person POV, unless I change it later. Enjoy!! xx
Warning, might get smutty in later chapters!

The three girls had just finished filming their videos for all three of their channels, and now they were chatting amongst themselves about their favorite scenes in the videos and what-not. That is, until Grace got a message from Chester, asking her to go home to get ready for their date. "Oh, shit," the brunette suddenly exclaimed, "I'm an idiot! I completely forgot I have a date with Chester in less than an hour! Love y'all but I gotta go!" Mamrie and Hannah laughed while Grace hurriedly grabbed her stuff and headed for the door. "Bye guys! Later!" Grace yelled at her friends, hurriedly walking out the door. Hannah suddenly got extremely nervous. She had had a huge crush on Mamrie for the past two years now, but she had yet to tell the redhead, due to herself being too scared to admit it to Mamrie. She was terrified of how Mamrie may react. And she just knew she would get nervous and act like a complete idiot if she were alone with Mamrie. "Classic Grace Helbig, not remembering she has a date until an hour before she has to attend it," Mamrie said with a laugh. Hannah was very relieved that Mamrie had said something, so that she didn't have to start a conversation. She wasn't very skilled at that. Or worse, so that there wasn't any of that awkward silence that always somehow seemed to appear. "True," the blonde responded, returning Mamrie's laugh. Hannah had yet to look the older girl in the eyes since Grace left, because she was scared that she would blush 50 Shades of Red whenever they made eye contact. No, she knew she would, but what scared her was Mamrie noticing. The blonde dared to glance up at Mamrie, because she wanted to see that gorgeous face. But, unluckily for Hannah, Mamrie was looking Hannah straight in the eye, but something happened that made Hannah do a double take. Mamrie looked down at her feet and blushed. "Nah... She probably just...wasn't expecting me to look up, or something," the smaller girl thought to herself, not even realizing that she was in denial. But, what Hannah didn't know was that there were a million thoughts running through Mamrie's head at once. "Shit, she caught me staring. Now she probably thinks I'm creepy or something... I can't help it! God, she's perfect! Who could?!" was the main thought going through the older girl's head. Mamrie tried to hide how anxious she was due to being alone with Hannah, but Hannah noticed immediately. "What did I do wrong?" the blonde thought, blaming it on herself. Mamrie's secret love for Hannah had always been confusing for herself. She thought she was straight, but her feelings for Hannah said otherwise. There was an awkward silence, and both girls were too nervous to break it. Hannah chickened out, and quickly stated, "I'm gonna go get a drink..." The nervous blonde hurriedly walked to the kitchen and began mentally scalding herself. "Why can't I act like a normal person around Mamrie? God, I'm either gonna end up making her hate me or I'm gonna push her away for good because I can't act like a normal person or have a normal conversation without tensing up or acting awkward!" were the thoughts running through Hannah's head. Since she told Mamrie she was getting a drink, she decided to quickly pour a glass of wine, not wanting Mamrie to get suspicious of what was taking so long. Hannah willed herself to walk back to the living room, and set her wine down. She decided to try to not be so damn awkward for once. "Well, I coulda at least asked you if you wanted a drink," the blonde joked, trying to hide every shred of nervousness in her voice. "No, I'm good for now," the redhead responded, chuckling. Mamrie really just didn't want Hannah to leave again. She thought it was so cute how nervous Hannah was, although Hannah mentally kicked herself over it. Despite how completely obvious it was, Mamrie was still in denial that Hannah liked her. "Alrighty then," the blonde stated and sat back down beside Mamrie, "so... What's going on with you right now?" Hannah asked, just trying to keep a conversation going for once, instead of chickening out. It was the perfect time for Mamrie to tell Hannah about her hidden feelings, and although she wasn't as nervous as the younger girl, she was still extremely nervous. Mamrie had mentally prepared herself for this all day and she decided to say it before she had the chance to chicken out. "Can I tell you something?" the redhead quickly asked, the anxiety and nervousness obvious in her voice. Hannah got 10 times as nervous, and she didn't even know why. Something about the way Mamrie said it. "S- Sure, um, anything..." the blonde hesitated. Mamrie really wanted to chicken out now, but it was too late. So she decided to just wing it. The redhead made steady eye contact with Hannah for the first time since they had been alone. "Well..." the redhead started nervously, and willed herself to say the next line without backing out. "I- I really... like you. A lot."

//Cliffhanger ending! Sorry, don't hate me! I'll update again either tomorrow or tonight. Thanks for reading, and this chapter wasn't as long as I had planned, but the next one should be!//

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