Chapter 3 - Blame It On The Lust

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\\Mamrie's POV\\
Honestly, I have to say, I was really surprised when Hannah kissed me. She's normally so nervous when it comes to things like that. But, hey, it was amazing! I'm really ecstatic to be able to call this work of perfection my girlfriend. Nothing has ever made me happier.
Hannah still had an adorable blush on her face. I just really wanted to kiss her again, and never stop kissing her. But I'm sure I should wait. I don't want her to think I'm desperate, or rushing things.

"Do you think we should tell our subscribers about us?" Hannah eventually asked

"If you want to tell them, I think it would be great!" I said with a smile. Personally, I really want to tell our subscribers about us because I would love to see how the fandoms react. Especially because how many more Hartbig shippers there are than Hartsquared.

"I think we should," the beautiful girl said simply. "Oh my god, imagine how many of them are gonna be heartbroken! So many Hartbig shippers' hearts are fixing to break!" Well damn, she said it just as if she read my mind.

"Oh well, cause now it's all about that Hartsquared, motherfucker!" I half-yelled, laughing. Holy shit, I'm probably happier than I've been in about a million years because of this amazing little fucker.

Hannah laughed. "So, how are we gonna do this, do you know? And when?"

"Well," I started, thinking about it a little bit. "Ooh! We could say it in a livestream and surprise everybody!" I exclaimed, over excitedly.

"Oh my god, we could like do a livestream and kiss at the end of it and then both be like 'Hartsquared. It's real.' or something like that! Can we do that?" Hannah said, sounding just as excited as me about this. I just smiled for a second, not really knowing why. She's just too cute not to smile at.

"Should we tell Grace, or should we surprise her too?" Hannah furrowed her brow, indicating that she was thinking about it, and I couldn't help but smile at how cute her forehead butt is when she's thinking.

I admit, Grace is our closest friend and she deserves to know before we tell everyone, but on the other hand, maybe we should surprise her? I mean come on now, her reaction to this would be fuckin' priceless. After a lot of thought, I finally spoke up. "Okay, so maybe we could have her in the livestream with us, but not tell her. Like, just do a regular livestream and tell her its not for any apparent reason, but THEN we blow everyone's mind. And we should get our friends to watch it too," I took a long breath. Damn, that was a mouthful.

Hannah smiled and nodded. I just smiled again because her smile is contagious, and I blushed at the thought of this happening. This is gonna be amazing. "So, when we doing this?

"Whenever you're ready, Harto," I smiled. She smiled back at me.

"I mean, I'm ready, but they all know that I'm gay, Mamrie. They don't even know you're... wait, since when are you gay... or bi... whatever, anyways? That completely slipped my mind. I thought you were straight?"

I honestly wish I knew the answer to that. I'm as confused as she is. "I'm as confused as you are, sister. I was until you came in the pictire, and now I don't know what the fuck I am, so thanks a lot, Farto," I joked. We laughed for a second. "Seriously though," I said a bit more seriously, "I'm not worried about it. I'm not gonna label myself. If people wanna call me bi, lesbian, queer, whatever, I could care less. All I know is that I'm definitely in love with a girl." I smiled.

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