Chapter 2 - Amazing Feels

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Hannah sat there for a few seconds, astonished. "Mamrie... Likes... Me???" the blonde kept repeating in her mind.

Mamrie was getting anxious due to Hannah not responding. She thought that Hannah was disgusted or angry or something whenever she saw the younger girl not responding.
Hannah, still in astonishment, could not muster up a response. Mamrie didn't know what to think, but she didn't think silence was a good thing.

Hannah decided she had to say something. "I'm... obviously speechless? Um... Okay, so I honestly thought you had figured out... that I've had this 'hidden' crush on you for the past two years. Not so hidden, everyone knew about it. But I guess you didn't... I never thought you'd like someone like me, but.."

Woah, Mamrie thought. "Okay," the redhead said weakly, "now I'm speechless..." Mamrie was extremely nervous and it was very noticeable; Hannah thought it was extremely adorable when the older girl got nervous.

Hannah was still nervous, but she had calmed down enough to say actual words. "F... For how long have you liked me?" the anxious blonde stumbled over her words.

A slight blush lit up Mamrie's cheeks again as Mamrie hesitantly scooted closer to Hannah. "Oh, I've had a crush on you for the longest time but it was confusing so I realized it about... 5 months ago?"

Hannah tensed up again as Mamrie scooted closer to her. She smiled slightly as she made steady eye contact with Mamrie again, trying to figure out what to say.

"Oh," Hannah said awkwardly, mentally face palming herself afterwards. Oh? How awkward are you?  the blonde thought to herself.

Mamrie smiled and pulled the smaller girl in for a hug. Hannah hugged Mamrie back, tensing up as she did. Mamrie nervously held Hannah for about a minute. Hannah loved being in Mamrie's arms; everything about this moment was perfect.
Almost a minute went by until Mamrie decided to let Hannah go. But when Mamrie pulled back, their faces were inches apart, not leaving much space between them. Mamrie's arms were still slightly wrapped around the smaller girl and one of her legs were across her, the other leg resting beside Hannah's side while they were facing each other.

This was driving Hannah crazy; she wanted to kiss Mamrie right now more than anything. Her eyes kept moving from Mamrie's lips to her eyes, and Mamrie would be lying to herself if she said it wasn't driving her crazy as well. They were both just too damn nervous to kiss each other.
Mamrie was telling herself to kiss Hannah, but she couldn't will herself to kiss her, due to being way too nervous. Their faces were just inches apart, but Mamrie got too anxious and laid her head on the smaller girl's shoulder, and Hannah responded by hugging Mamrie tightly.

This was better than their last hug. It was less tense and anxious, and more passionate. Hannah thought everything about their last hug was perfect; this tops it by far.

Mamrie pulled Hannah closer, to where Hannah was now sitting on Mamrie's legs. Mamrie's head was rested on Hannah's shoulder and Hannah's on Mamrie's shoulder. This couldn't get any better. Minutes passed, and redhead was now deep in her thoughts. She was extremely nervous for what she was about to ask; but she was gonna go for it.

Hannah and Mamrie had been siting in this exact position for over five minutes; Hannah had began to wonder if Mamrie had fallen asleep on her. That is, until Mamrie gently pulled the smaller girl back, making steady eye contact. Something about the look on the older girl's face told Hannah that something was about to happen.

A small blush crept it's way onto the blonde's face. Still making steady eye contact, Mamrie slightly smiled. "Hannah," the redhead said quietly, almost in a whisper. Their faces were now close enough to where Hannah could feel Mamrie's breath on her lips, making her shiver.
"Mamrie," Hannah responded, not realizing she was using the same quiet tone Mamrie had used a second ago. Mamrie backed up a tiny bit, but not much; she was still close enough to where the blonde could still feel her breath.

"Hannah," the redhead started a little bit louder than the last time, "let me just start by saying this." Mamrie then intertwined her fingers with the blonde's smaller digits, giving Hannah slight butterflies. "You're the most amazing girl I've ever met. Not only do I love you endlessly, but I've fallen in love with you. I have fallen so hard for you, Hannah, you don't even understand. You're so god damn perfect. I don't see how somebody as amazing and beautiful and... just as perfect as you could like someone like me. But I'm not complaining, this is honestly a dream come true. I wish I could explain my love for you, but I can't explain it. What I feel for you is way beyond what any words could even begin to describe. I feel like this is more than love, honestly. Hannah fuckin Hart, will you be mine?"

Hannah had the biggest smile on her face and a deep blush lit her cheeks up to a rosy pink, and she felt speechless again. The blonde held Mamrie's intimate gaze and slowly intertwined her free hand in Mamrie's. "Oh my god, Mamrie, that was the sweetest god damn thing I have ever heard. Hell yes, Mamrie Hart, I would love to be yours."

Mamrie smiled the biggest possible smile she could possibly smile as a blush spread across her face, making her cheeks a light pink.

Hannah decided that now would be an appropriate time to kiss the redhead. She took her left hand from Mamrie's and cupped Mamrie's face with that hand. The nervous blonde slowly leaned in, and shortly Mamrie also leaned in. Hannah brushed her lips across Mamrie's, taking her into a very passionate, slow kiss and they both automatically practically melted into the kiss. Right whenever their lips touched, Hannah felt sparks throughout her whole body. It was an amazing feeling that words would never be able to explain, even if it did only last a few seconds.

//Hey guys! Sorry I kept you waiting so long for that, but I was having a lot of shitty phone problems. Hope you enjoyed! This whole third person POV is annoying, but I'm trying to stick to it in this story >.< by the way, it'll probably take me a week or so to update again. //

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