Cheating, Betrayal, & Mates

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~Alena's POV~

"She'll never know, trust me!" I hear my mate, Jeremy say to someone in OUR room. He been acting weird and so I decided to pretend to leave and hide my scent.

"Are you sure, Jeremy? You know Alena will kill us if she finds out!" My younger sister, Tessa says and I sit in my closet in complete shock. Jeremy chuckles and I heard him kissing her.

"She'll never know, trust me, princess!" Jeremy says and I bite my lip and tears pool up in my eyes. I slam the closet door open and glare at them. Both of their head swing over to look at me so fast. Jeremy looks at me shocked and Tessa in guilt. Jeremy stands up and rubs his neck.

"Baby, It's not what it looks like!" He says in a nervous tone and I cry more. Stupid hormones!

"Don't you "baby" me! Fuck you, Jeremy! You were fuck my sister in our bed in our room! How fucking dare you!" I says and start to walk out the room. Tessa's face is pale from guilt. Jeremy's face is now blank and unreadable.

"Alena, wait!" He says as he grabs my wrist and I swing around to look at him. He looks down at me and sighs.

"I, Jeremy Fisher, reject you Alena James as my mate and female beta." He says with straight face and shake my head, tear streaming down my cheeks. I run out the room as fast I can and I shift into my wolf form. My pregnant stomach hanging on my wolf as well, showing my 7 and 1/2 pregnant belly. I run as fast I can north. Fuck you, Jeremy Fisher! I run for miles and finally get tired after being miles out of our territory. I travel across the country for the next month and half or so and I was especially tired today so finally stop for a nap. I lay under a tree and sleep.

~Ethanol's POV~

I was working in my office and when my beta informs me in mind link of a pregnant she-wolf that had crossed pack lines and they found asleep and unprotected. This was unusual because no male wolf would leave their pregnant mate alone so I decided to check it out. I set down my pen and push back from my desk. I walk out my office and outside the house. I shift behind a tree and carry my clothes between my teeth and run to the pack lines. The closer I got the better it smelled like sweet strawberries. My beta, Kayden sees and he nods. I shift back behind a tree and get dressed. I walk over him and see her. My wolf, Klaus screams at me 'MATE!' which isn't possible bc I watched my mate die.

'She's your second chance mate, silly! The goddess has bless us with another chance!' Klaus tells me and I look at her confused. This reddish brown she-wolf was my second chance mate and she's pregnant... where is the father? Who is she? Where did she come from? How old is she? The questions are swarming my mind and so I take a deep breathe.

"So what should we do, Alpha?" Kayden says and I look at her and smile. Her wolf was beautiful, even pregnant and curled up.

"We wait, she's my mate, Kayden. My second chance mate..." I say and he sucks in a sharp breathe. I look at him and he look happy.

"Alpha! That's amazing!" He yells and I growl at him. He could wake her! He puts his hand like a surrender. "Sorry!" I hear her cry a bit and walk over petting her head. Her eyes snap open, probably because of the sparks. She looks at me in shock. I smile and take off my shirt, placing it in front of her. I step back as if to wordless tell her to shift. She takes the shirt and walk behind a tree. After a minute or so, a beautiful petite pregnant redhead walks out. Her eyes were a beautiful ocean blue. My shirt was huge on her! It covered her bottom even with her pregnant belly.

"Damn.." I mumbled and she blushes. I clear my throat. "I'm Alpha Ethanol Knights and you are, little mate?" She looks at me in shock when I call her mate. She probably figured I'd reject her, but I won't do that without reason. Even if she's pregnant.

"A-Alena James..." she mumbles and looks at me in the eyes. "Why call me you're mate? I'm a pregnant she-wolf, I figured you'd reject me..." I shake my head and walk forward smiling. I touch her cheek and she blushes as she looks away.

"I'd never reject you unless I had a really good reason." I say and she smiles slightly but it fades. "How far along are you, darling?" Her cheeks shimmer bright red, I chuckle lightly.

"N-nine months..." I say and I look at her shock. What the fuck happened to make a 9 month pregnant she-wolf be running? I pick her up bridal style and start walking back to the pack house. She needs to be checked over and she needs rest. I mind link a doctor to be ready to check a very pregnant she-wolf. "Y-You don't need carry me... I c-can walk." I growl at that and she shirks up in my arms. I sigh and place a kiss on her forehead.

"It's not safe for you or the baby to be travel like that at 9 months... I'm sorry, you're my mate I'm worried about you. Alena, can I ask where the father is?" I say and she glares at the ground. I bite my lip... I shouldn't have asked...

"He's a cheater who rejected me when he got caught..." she says with some much pain, it was killing me too. My heart strings were being pulled by her emotions. She's quiet after that. We finally arrive at the pack house and the doctor starts to check her over. Thankfully, she and the baby were healthy. Honestly, I didn't know how to feel about this baby of hers but now that I've heard about the father, all I wanna do is protect them from anyone that will ever try to hurt them like my mate was hurt. I growl quietly think about it and Alena looks at me nervously. I give her a reassuring smile, she smiles back slightly as she now laying in my bed. Ughhh, why is she sooo cute!?

"What's their name, Alena? The baby I mean." I say as I smile and she bites her lip and she shakes her head no.

"S-She doesn't have one yet..." she says and I smile widely as an idea comes to mind. Maybe give Alena a name suggestion with help show her that I want her and her baby through good and bad. So I suggest a meaning full name to me, Kailee Jane Knight. My mother's middle name for her first name and my grandma midden name for her middle name. Maybe this would help...

"How about Kailee Jane Knight? If not, I get it!" I say and she looks shocked but it turns to a smile and she nods.

"I love it! Kailee Jane Knight!" She says as she rubs my her belly. I sit next to her and she grabs my hand and place it on her stomach and I feel it, a kick. I think she likes it too! This mate bond was magic, I swear! This is my family now. Alena, Kailee, and Me.

Omggggg! So yeah, they're was alotttt this chapter but this kinda how I wanted it start by 2nd chapter. So We have Alena and Ethanol and soon Kailee! Also who hates Jeremy and Tessa as much as I do? Because I hate themmmmm!!! But they'll get what they have come soon enough! ;) I'm sooo excited to start this series thoooo! This is only book one! I wanna at least to two book for this! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it was speed up sooo much but mainly it's just ground work! Love you guyssss!


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