PART 1: Chapter 1 HIANG

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                                            "He who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High"

30 years ago

(Click image above to see a high resolution map of the Mersing coast. Water depths are in fathoms. 1 fathom = 6 foot)

The boat sped through the rough 4 - 5 foot waves, bumping up and down. Cold wind swept through her hair, spray of salty water on her face was refreshing and warm, a strange but pleasant mix. It was as if there was no war, that all was peaceful, and quiet. She didn't want that sensation to end.

He was at the wheel, standing with legs apart, trying to keep his balance. It was dark and she wondered how he knew where to go. He's Navy Seals trained so he should know how to direct a boat towards its destination in total darkness.

The Chinese troops must be alerted by now on the island. Before leaving they had sabotaged the other two boats anchored so there would be no way they could follow.

They had just disabled four Chinese guards, or more precisely Nur had disabled those guards. He didn't kill them, he tranquilized them with a blowpipe.

Pretty soon they were among some islands, and then she spotted the lights on the mainland. Her cousins were hanging on to the railings. She could tell they were nervous.

Nur brought the boat as close to the beach as he could. Then he cut the engine.

"Alright, here is where you get off," he turned to the three cousins.

"Aren't you coming?" she asked.

"No, I have to divert their attention. Pretty soon there will be choppers in the air and gunboats looking for us."

"But we could all escape into the trees," she said. "Ken, John, what do you think?"

"Do as Nur says", Ken said. "We don't stand a chance if they spot the boat here, abandoned."

"Nur's right," John chipped in.

"We don't have time to argue," an urgency in Nur's voice. "The longer we wait here, the greater the chance a guard on the beach will see us. The village is about a click in that direction. Look for Zul at the shop with the sign 'Penyabong Beach House'. You can't not see it. Tell him you are my friends and he will provide shelter. Remember 'Penyabong Beach House'. Say it."

"Penyabong Beach House", Ken repeated.

John jumped into the water, followed by Ken. It was waist deep. And they started wading towards the beach.

She hesitated.

"I am not leaving you," she said softly.

"Hiang, you have to go"

"No, I am not."

Nur removed his necklace with the Navy Seals emblem and put it around her neck.

"We will meet again when this is over, I promise. Now listen carefully Hiang. Make your way back to Kuala Lumpur and look for the nearest Malaysian troops. There are resistance fighters in the jungle who can assist you to get to KL. Ask to see General Ahmad Sofi. He is the General running my unit. He knows my name, give this to him." He touched the metallic Seal Trident, grabbed her hand and wrapped it around the emblem.

She was sobbing and couldn't understand why this was happening.

"I didn't ask where you were born," she said.

"Penang, and my birthday is May 2nd, 2015."

"Will I see you again?"

"Yes, absolutely."

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