Ch. 7 Home Is Where It's Safe

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I want to go home. I need to go home. Hell it would probably be safer there than at a lake house in the middle of a forest. It was because of me that Landon was being attacked by this stalker. I'm afraid that anyone that hangs around me too much could be next on this guys list to go after.

"Are you okay?"

I looked over my shoulder to see Landon with a worried expression. I looked back at the different drinks. How long have I been standing here?

"I'm fine. I just dozed off for a while."

I grabbed a sprite and headed for the counter. Landon followed close behind me. He was probably looking out for anyone suspicious. It was nice knowing he was looking out for me but I don't think it's safe for him. There is no way I could live with myself if someone were to get hurt because of me.

I paid for the drink and the gas. Landon lead the way back to his car. Our parents were sitting in their car, waiting for us to be done. I sipped on the cold sprite while Landon put gas in the car. If I wanted to go home, this was the time to ask our parents to cancel the trip.

I got out of the car and told Landon I would be with our parents. He just nodded as he waited for the gas to stop pumping at twenty dollars. I'd hate to ruin their plans but it's for everyone's safety. We can't pretend that this stalker isn't capable of hurting anyone. He showed how he can cause harm a while ago.

"Is everything okay sweetie?" mom asked, as soon as I reached their car. It was mom's turn to drive I guess.

"No. In fact I think it would be a good idea if we went back home. It's obviously a bad idea to go to the lake house. Landon and I were almost hurt in a car accident that shouldn't have happened." I explained, as I paced back and forth in front of the driver side of the car.

"We understand. If that's what you want. We can find plenty of things to do together at home. This doesn't mean you will get out of anything that involves Landon, understand?" she said, as she grabbed my arm to stop me from pacing.

I think I've spent more than enough time with Landon. Having him with me on the trip was good because I was afraid the stalker would come out of nowhere and snatch me. Once we're home, I won't need to be near him anymore. My room would be my safe place until I go to California.

"Actually how about you guys go to the lake house for a few days and then come home," I suggested. They already reserved one of those houses so they should use it for a few days. That way I could have a few days to myself in the house.

"That's not a bad idea but we'd hate to leave you alone when there is some crazy person out there," dad said, from the passenger seat.

"I promise to never leave the house and will make sure that everything is locked. The alarm will be on. Landon will be around too. Everything will be fine while you're gone," I assured, hoping they would agree. I'd do anything to get out of family time with Landon and his parents.

All four of them reluctantly agreed and made me promise to always have my cell phone near me in case I needed to call anyone for help. I walked away with a grin on my face. Landon will be out of my hair as soon as we get home. I'm sure he would have plans to get drunk and party instead of babysitting me.

When I made it back to his car, he was already in the driver seat. It looked like he was deep in his thoughts until I slammed the passenger door shut when I slipped inside. Our parents were turning left on the service road, the opposite direction we were about to go.

"Aren't we suppose to follow them?" he asked, as he watched our parents drive down the service road.

"Nope. We're going back home while they spend some time at the lake house by themselves," I explained. It was hard to keep the grin off my face but I managed to do it.

"Why would they allow that to happen?!" he yelled, while glaring at the steering wheel. Well that wasn't the reaction I was hoping for.

"Because I asked them to." I muttered, afraid to make him more pissed off. I've seen him pissed at me before but this was beyond pissed.

"Do you not realize that going back home isn't safe?! This guy could easily get to you. No, you're not going home. You're coming to stay with me until our parents come back," he shouted, before turning the car on. Who died and made him boss?

I didn't bother to argue with him. He would most likely go straight to his house. So I would be stuck there. I was not about to walk home, it was too far without a car. Now I wished that I didn't suggest anything to our parents. I still ended up stuck with Landon.

The drive back home was silent. I could tell he was still angry about my plan. He didn't know anything. My house was safe. It has the best alarm system money can buy. There is no way anyone could get in without knowing the code to turn the alarm off. We even had a panic room.

After awhile, I fell asleep but woke up when I felt something vibrate on my lap. I yawned and rubbed my eyes before looking at my cell phone. I read the email out loud, not knowing that the stalker had sent it.

Things are about to get real interesting now that the parents are away.

I was wide awake after reading the email. Landon cursed under his breath. Instead of going right, towards the suburbs, Landon went left. I knew where he was going. The police station was in the direction we were going.

He was driving too fast. I wouldn't be surprised if we were stopped by a police officer. You could tell he was angry and tired of this guy. It was written all over his face. The best the police could do with little evidence is to watch the house. That wasn't much but it could keep this guy away from us.

"This ends now!"

"What do you plan to tell them?!"

"Everything! You should have done this when this guy first contacted you! He's not going to stop unless we do something!"

"I thought it was just a harmless prank."

He looked at me like I was crazy. So I was wrong to think it was a prank especially when I couldn't stop thinking about it. I searched my side of Landon's for a piece of paper and something to write with. The police would need a list of people to look into. People I've interacted with over the last few weeks. They could maybe figure out who the crazy person was.

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