Ch. 10 Stalker 101

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Her friend was beginning to annoy me. I was counting on the silent treatment he was giving her but suddenly that all changed in just a few hours. If it wasn't for their parent's friendship, I would be enjoying the company of her at the moment. Instead I'm stuck with her stupid best friend. She is going to be part of plan B if my original plan doesn't go well.

I turned from the pictures of my favorite girl on the table to the red head that was tied to a chair nearby. She stopped trying to get free an hour ago when she realized that I tied the knots a bit too tight. I must say she was hard to kidnap. It was a good idea to pose as her taxi driver. Her parents assume she's out of town but she never left. I made sure she didn't make it to the airport.

"Aly and Landon are too smart. You'll get what's coming to you."

I smiled. She was so optimistic. If all else fails, I guess I could settle for second best.

"I've been doing this for years sweetheart. No one has caught me yet."

She just glared at me. Assuming she was done talking, I went back to admiring my amateur photos of Alyssa. There was something about this girl that made me feel all warm inside. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her beautiful skin and long soft hair.

"How the hell did the school hire a psycho like you?"

I frowned, not liking the word psycho. The last person that said that to me ended up dead and buried in some ditch on the side of the road in New Mexico. I'd hate to end this girls life so soon.

"Easy, I know how to hide my tracks. The principal was glad to have a smart man on his staff. I may have been a teacher's assistant but I was damn good at the job."

"The principal is known to be a smart man but to fall for your nice guy act was just plain stupid. I knew there was something off about you but I figured I was reading too much into your actions."

"The nice guy acts helps me get the information I need. Like phone numbers and addresses for instance."

She cursed under her breath. "The day Mrs. Daniels asked you to make a copy of our emails and phone numbers in case she lost the original, was when you made a extra copy for yourself. That's how you're contacting them!"

I'm not surprised that Alyssa chose such a smart girl as her best friend. What's surprising is that this girl hasn't freaked out yet. She either hasn't realized how bad her situation is or she thinks she's going to get out of this alive. I can mostly definitely say that she won't being seeing her family and friends again. Can't have her blabbing to everyone about who I really am.

I glanced at the pictures a little more before grabbing my car keys and prepaid cell. It was time to go out and see how my girl is doing.

"I'm going out for a bit. Be a good girl and stay put. I wouldn't want to kill you so early in my little game."

I left her there in my basement. It was times like these that I was glad to have a house on a hill. There were no neighbors to deal with. Tia can scream for help all she wants, no one will come for her. I walked out of my house and headed for my car. The paint was a different color and the tinted windows were not as dark as before. i knew that guy gave the cops a good description of my car so I had to change it's appearance.

The thought of that punk near my Alyssa pissed me off. I don't like how close they're getting and sadly it's my fault. I should have contacted her sooner but I figured it was going to be easier to watch her if I did it after she graduated. There was no way for me to know that she would start hanging around with that idiot that doesn't listen.

I pressed on the gas and headed for Landon's house. No amount of protection can keep me away from my Alyssa. I've done this too many times so I knew the flaws in security systems. It would be so easy to break into the house without being detected. I would wait a bit longer before doing that though.

When I got to the house, I parked a few houses down so I didn't look suspicious to them. I quickly typed and sent a email to Alyssa, letting her know I knew she went to the cops and telling her that she had a few hours left. I was lying about the few hours bit, that was for her buddy Landon. These kind of things take time but I didn't need to let them know that. I would grab her when he least expected it.

Sooner or later, Tia's parents will start to get worried when she hasn't checked in on them. They'll find out that she never made it to the airport and all fingers will be pointing at the mysterious taxi driver that was suppose to take her to the airport safe and sound. It was a good idea to use a fake identity, I made sure it couldn't be traced back to me.

Alyssa will assume that I did something to her best friend and will do anything to get her home safe. That's when I will make my next move. I haven't decided if I will kill her best friend before or after I have Alyssa. If one thing is certain, her buddy Landon will die once I meet him in person. He should have walked away when he had the chance, now his fate is sealed.

"I can't wait to finally show you who I really am Alyssa Cunningham."

I grinned as many scenarios of our first encounter went through my head. I loved this part of the game. It was the best part. I lived for this part. My happy bubble was soon popped when I saw a familiar camaro park in front of Landon's house.

I cursed under my breath when I realized it was the one person I wasn't able to kill. My last victim's brother. He is still hell bent on catching me I see. It's nice to know he's not as stupid as I thought but this is going to cause problems for me. He's going to bad mouth me in front of my Alyssa and I won't be there to defend myself.

I started my car and drove back to my house, There needed to be some drastic changes in my plan now that Cameron Andrews was in town. If anyone knew everything about me, it was him and I blame myself. If I had known that he was going to survive the fire, I wouldn't have told him what I enjoyed doing and how I did it. That was a rookie mistake on my part. I vowed to never have that happen again.

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